Chapter 31

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That's right!!!! IM BACKKKK! My school gave us a break and I decided that I have the motivation and the energy to update!!!!! I hope you enjoy because this is going to be a long one to make up for the time I didn't update!


Rei's POV

Taking my first step onto the boat, my now black hair flows behind me as I turn around and wave, "Bye everybody!!!"

"Have a safe trip!" Finny exclaims back.

"M-Make sure to enjoy it! Yes, have fun!" May-Rin calls out.

"Don't cause too much trouble you rascals!" Bard shouts, giving Kyle and I a pointed look.

Kyle chuckles, "Don't worry! We WILL!!!" Grabbing the back of my cloak, he drags me away to catch up with Sebastian, Ciel, and Snake; who had recently joined our little party.


"Don't worry Tanaka, I'll make sure Ciel goes to bed on time!" I call out to the non-chibi Tanaka behind me while laughing.

"Aw, little Ciel still has a bed time~" Kyle coos teasingly.

Ciel grows a tic on his forehead and raises his fist, "What did you say bastar-"

"Now, now, this is suppose to be a semi-enjoyable trip." I say popping up between the two rivals and giving the classic [If you two don't behave, I'm not afraid to embarrass the both of you] smile.

My ears twitch. The sound of thumping footsteps rush in behind me.

The boat already departed, what human is crazy enough to try and jump to catch the boa-

My thoughts are cut off as I smoothly move out of the way to avoid getting landed on. "Whew! Made it just in time! I'm on the board, all according to the plan so-" He pulls off his hat, me and Kyle's eyebrows raise. A reaper?

"Wind in our sails! The future is looking bright- For us, that is." The mysterious reaper says to himself.

I look at Kyle sweat dropping. "That's some serious foreshadowing happening in just one sentence-" Kyle nods along, also sweat dropping " much do you want to bet that this ship is going to ironically hit a giant iceberg and sink to the bottom of the ocean?"

Kyle looks at me and smirks, "Oh?-" he looks around to make sure Ciel, Sebastian, and Snake were distracted, "I'm betting 200 red gems on it."

A childish feeling rises up in my chest and I welcome it whole heartedly as I lean in, "Pshh, scared of loosing a few gems? Step it up. I bet 700 gems."

Kyles eyes widen. He lets out a large laugh, throwing his head back before grabbing my head into a noogie. "It's nice seeing a childish side to you after such a long time! It seems coming here to this realm wasn't so bad after all! You're finally starting to become rebellious!"

I roll my eyes at Kyles antics and make my way over to the rest of the group. "And we have started departing!" I announce as I pop up behind Snake.

"Yes, what lies ahead... is known only to the great ocean." Ciel says as he dramatically stares off into the distance.

Kyle sweat drops and puts an arm over my head as he points at me. "Uh.. did you forget that we have the living cheat over here with us?" I let out a sigh and slip out of his grip, flicking his forehead I scold him.

"I'm not a cheat! And I can't look into the future!.... But-" My eyes trail off, "I do have a good idea on what is most likely going to happen..." I say as I refer to the little bet between me and Kyle. After all, its also hard to ignore the smell of death coming from below the deck. I wonder if I am the only one that has noticed.....

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