Chapter 5

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

I open my eyes to see I'm not in my bed at home. Oh, that's right, I'm staying here because I accidentally fell through that hole... and now I'm here.. in the human realm...

I calmly sit up and get dressed before Sebastian comes here to do it for me.

Okay.. so my legs go through here and my arms go through here.....THERE!! I did it!

I look at my self in the mirror proud that I've figured out how this realms clothing works.

Even though my cloth was a lot more loose and comfortable....

I hear someone shout "Found you, rat!!!" I grab my staff and run out of my room, I head to the source of the noise to find the servants and a large statue being thrown.

"W-what??!?!!" I exclaim dodging the statue and wood that flew up from the impact.

"He got away. Tee-hee!" The blonde with a straw hat says scratching the back of his head. "Don't give me that 'tee-hee'! Do you want to kill us, too, idiot?!"

What a lively bunch... 😅

"U-Um hello, I haven't properly introduced myself! I'm Rei White!" The servants look at me for a second, then the dirty blonde one bonked the other blonde one on the head. "You almost killed Young masters guest! Idiot!" "Waaaa!! I'm sorry!!" The lighter blond exclaimed.

___Time skip brought to you by Mey-rin's awesomeness___

"I-I'm Mey-rin the head maid, yes indeed I am!" Mey-rin introduced herself first. "I'm Bard the chef." The dirty blonde one one said pointing at himself with his thumb. "I-I'm Finny the gardener! And I so sorry about earlier!!" The blond one with a straw hat bowed apologetically. "Ho ho ho." A chibi man says before taking another sip of tea.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all!" I say with a smile. They stare at me for a moment and then look at each other as if they were talking through their minds.

Oh....wait a minute... I think I know what's going on..... T^T

I sigh, "I'm a boy." Their faces turn red "W-were s-so sorry we didn't want to be rude and ask you flat out!" "Y-yah! It's just that your eyelashes are so long!-" "-And your hair is too!" "S-so we were kinda confused!"

"We're sorry!" They bowed again.

"It's fine, Ive mostly gotten used to people around here mistaking me as a girl." I say waving them off not wanting them to feel bad.

I hear something across the hall so me being the curious person I am, I went to check it out. (See THIS is what will get you killed in a horror movie .-.)

I peek my head through the door to see Ciel and some other people I have never met before. "Rei! What are you doing here?!" Ciel asks surprised.

"O-oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were in a meeting!" I apologize, feeling embarrassed that I barged in I went to close the door but a hand stoped me.

"Milord, I had no idea that you were keeping such a fine lady with you!" The door was pulled back and it revealed the owner of the hand and voice.

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