Chapter 23

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"CANNON BALL!!!!!!!" Kyle shouts as he jumps into the springs.

"Stop goofing around! This is a place people will be coming to for relaxation!!" Ciel shouts with three tic marks appearing on his head.
"Be quiet kill joy!"
"What did you just call me?!"
"You heard me!"
"I'm not a kill joy! I'm just trying to relax!"
"Sure thing princess."
"What did you just call me you hot head?!"
"Hot head?!!!"
"That's right! Got a problem!"
"Yah it's yo-"

"B-both of you.... calm down.." I say sweat dropping.

""STAY OUT OF IT."" They say looking at me before going back to bickering like a old married couple.

I sigh before sinking back into the water making bubbles with my mouth.

"Young master seems to get more lively by the day." A voice sounds from besides me, I look back to see Sebastian kneeling next to me smiling. I look away quickly, Ugg... the images of Sebastian's fight with the dog keep popping up in my head ;-; I don't think I can see Sebastian in the same way ever again....

Sebastian stiffens up when he realizes why I won't look him in he eye. "P-please..... just forget what happened earlier..." he asks, his eyebrow twitching with a faint color of pink appearing on his pale face. I don't think I ever can.... and *gasp* DID SEBASTIAN JUST SHUTTER?!

___time skip___

"Well this is farewell for now. Angela." I say bowing politely. "No need to be so formal!" Angela says waving me off, before hugging me close. I stiffen up as she brings her mouth near my ear. "We will most definitely see each other soon." She whispers before turning around to say the rest of her farewells.

"PLUTO PUT SOME CLOTHS ON! DON'T JUST SWING IN HE BREEZE!" I hear from behind me as I get into the carriage. I sigh and lay my head down on Ciel's lap while put my feet on Kyle's.

"I'm taking a nap." I say simply and fall asleep quickly before any of them can protest.

___Time skip a week___

"It's solid!" I say jumping up and down on the lake. Kyle grabs onto my arm like a life source, "P-please stop, you aren't helping my nerves..." I look at Kyle and notice his legs were slightly shaking.

"Pfff..." Ciel covers his mouth to muffle a laugh. "What are you laughing at!" Kyle says trying to be intimidating... but sadly failing as he clings onto me, his legs shaking like twigs. We all sigh at his attempt and stroll down the frozen body of water.

"Here Here! I'm sellin' these cheap enough to blow even Jack frost away! Why not buy one for Christmas!" A man from a stall we're passing by calls, Ciel smirks and makes a scoffing noise. We all stop.

"What is it?"

"Those are all inferior goods. If the river freezes again next year, Funtom should set up a shop." Ciel points at a wooden boat, "For example thats...." the sales man cuts him off.

"Ah, hello there, my noble lad! You have a good eye. That's a fine piece from Funtom Workshop. In other words, from when the popular Funtom Company was still a craft studio!" The man explains gesturing towards the boat.

"A blatant fake of one, you mean. The Funtom arcs are rare-- only three sets were ever made, by an artist my predecessor patronized who used the finest technology. Since our mansion burned down, even we no longer have one. They wouldn't turn up here." Ciel says, clearly annoyed someone tried to sell a fake to the son of the Funtom creator himself.

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