Part 3

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Dustin's POV

I felt guilty. I told (Y/n) where to meet "me" but I wasn't going to be there. I just set (Y/n) up for one of the worst pranks ever.

"Did you do it?" my "friend" Tyler asked.

"Yes," I sighed.

"Yeah," Tyler and his group cheered.

I, however, wasn't cheering.

"Dude," Tyler said, "what is wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied.

"Whatever," Tyler said walking away with his gang close behind.

The truth was though, something was wrong with me. For the past years that (Y/n) and I had been dating I have grown feelings for her. When we first started dating that was because of a stupid dare. Over the years though I realized how strong (Y/n)was to put up with me. I realized how beautiful her (e/c) eyes were and how her (h/c) hair swayed when she walked. Ugh! What is wrong with me?!


Tyler's POV

What is wrong with Dustin? I thought that he hated being with (Y/n). I've watched him beat her up with my own eyes. And he was even smiling! Now about a month later he has changed.

After school, I was with some of my friends at the food court.

"I can't wait to prank (Y/n)," I said.

"Yeah," one of my friends said. "I can't wait to see her face when we slime her."

"This is going to be fun," I smiled.


(Y/n)'s POV

It was about fifteen minutes before I had to meet Dustin and I got to the cafe early. I was about to open the door when a familiar voice stopped me.

"(Y/n)?" the voice asked.

Crap. It was Shawn.

I slowly turned around. "Hi, Shawn."

"Hey," Shawn said, "sorry about what happened yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt  or offend you."

"It's okay," I shrugged.

"May I get you a cup of coffee?" Shawn offered.

I thought about Dustin for a split second but shrugged the thought away.

"Sure," I said. "Why not?"

Shawn smiled and opened the door for me. I walked through the door only to trip and fall over a wire. I looked up to see a huge bucket of slime fall from a ledge.

"Crap," I said just before the slime swallowed me whole.

I wiped the slime from my eyes to see Tyler and his group of friends laughing at me. Then I looked over at Shawn. He was looking over at me, his face showing hurt. Slowly Shawn's sad eyes turned to slits.

"Hey," Shawn demanded. "Who did this?!"

"I did," Tyler said still laughing.

Shawn glared at him. "And you think that this is funny?!"

"Well duh," Tyler said. "Why else would I be laughing?"

Quick as a flash Shawn was face to face with Tyler. I watched as Shawn balled his fists and looked down at Tyler. (BTW Tyler is about 5 foot 7 inches and Shawn is six foot)

"Shawn," I said. "Shawn, just leave him alone."

Shawn looked over at me then back at Tyler.

"Please, Shawn," I begged.

Yay! I finished another part! I know that not many people have read this story/fanfiction and there is no use for these author's notes but whatever. Anyway, I hope that you have a fantastic morning/afternoon/night! Peace out!

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