Part 29

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Dustin’s POV

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling and hear a steady beeping. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain in my stomach made me lay back down.

“I wouldn’t do that,” a female wearing white said, walking into view.

“Am I dead?” I asked.

The female laughed. “No, you’re in the hospital and I’m your nurse.”

The realization of what had happened earlier came flooding into my head.

“Where is (Y/N)?” I asked.

“She’s in surgery right now,” the nurse said.

“What happened to her?” I asked.

“She has a bullet through the back of her head,” the nurse explained, looking at a clipboard.

“Did anyone say anything about how the bullet got there?” I asked.

“Some say it was suicide, but others say that another person would have had to put the gun up to her head to get the bullet through the back of the head,” the nurse said.

“Damn it! I knew he’d come after us! I knew he’d hurt her! Why didn’t I protect her?! Damn it!” I shouted in anger.

“What do you mean?” the nurse asked.

“It wasn’t suicide, someone shot her in the back of the head on purpose,” I said, pressing my head into the uncomfortable pillow underneath my head.

“Who?” the nurse asked. “Who shot her?”

“Her dad, Oliver (L/N),” I said.


Shawn’s POV

“Start explaining, boy,” the officer said, closing the door to the room.

I took a deep breath and started explaining.

“It all started after (Y/N) and I were walking back to my house after being at a park near my house. A male, which we later learned was Dustin, came out of the alleyway and started following us for about half a block. When (Y/N) mentioned something about it, Dustin started sprinting towards us and covered her eyes and dragged her down another alleyway. I kept calling (Y/N)’s name out over and over into the darkness of the night until I heard a familiar voice. He said something about (Y/N) not being able to hear me from where she was. The familiar voice turned out to be Dustin and he covered my face and took me to wherever (Y/N) was.

“I still remember how dark the room was and how scared I was. In the room it was only me and (Y/N) until (Y/N)’s dad, Oliver, decided to show up. He said that I was weak and I shot back something about not being weak. At that moment, Oliver decided to make a deal with me. If he and I fought and he won, he would let me go and get half of my earnings for the rest of my life. If I won, he would let me and (Y/N) go. Obviously I agreed to Oliver’s stupid deal and we fought. He was winning for a little while until I gave him a good punch in the nose and kicked him between his legs. I won and he let me go with (Y/N). He obviously didn’t keep his end of the deal because if he did, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now,” I explained.

“And what about the innocent little girl?” the officer asked.

“She was Dustin’s little sister,” I said. “I don’t know much about that so you should maybe ask him about that.”

“Is this Dustin guy here?” the officer asked.

“He should be here,” I said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The officer opened it to reveal a nurse.

“A young man by the name of Dustin woke up about fifteen minutes ago and wants to see a Shawn Mendes,” the nurse said.

“Why does he want to see me?” I asked.

The nurse shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said. “But if you follow me, you’ll find out.”

I followed the nurse down the hall and to an elevator with the officer following behind me.

We got to the second floor and the nurse led me and the officer to Dustin’s room.

“Hey, Shawn,” Dustin smiled as soon as the nurse opened the door.

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