Part 6

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Shawn's POV

(Y/n) came skipping down the hallway into my room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Aaliyah gave me a great idea," (Y/n) said.

"And what might that be?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"She suggested that we go shopping," (Y/n) said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I only have one pair of clothes and these sweats are yours," (Y/n) said.

"Oh," I said shaking my head. "Right. (Y/n), speaking of clothes yours are done in the dryer so if you want to change you can."

"Okay," (Y/n) said. "Where is your laundry room?"

"I brought your clothes in here," I said pointing over to (Y/n)'s clothes that were sitting on top of my desk neatly folded.

"Thank you," (Y/n) said taking her clothes. "I'm going to go change."

"I'll be downstairs," I said.

(Y/n) nodded as she walked down the hallway.


When (Y/n) came downstairs she was wearing her clothes... and my sweater.

I couldn't help but smile. "You look great."

"Thank you," (Y/n) smiled back.

"Are you ready?" I asked grabbing the keys to my Jeep.

"Yeah, I'm coming," (Y/n) smiled.

I opened the door to my Jeep for (Y/n) and she climbed in.

"Where to?" I asked.

"To the mall!" (Y/n) said.

I chuckled and drove out of the driveway.


"And here we are," I said turning off the Jeep.

"Okay," (Y/n) said. "Hey, Shawn?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Could you help me pick out some clothes?" (Y/n) asked. "I've never really been shopping before and I think I should have somebody's help."

"I'll help you," I said.

"Thank you," (Y/n) said.


(Y/n)'s POV

We walked into the store without saying a word. Once we got inside, I had no idea what store to go into and I was nervous by the number of people.

"Where to first?" Shawn asked.

"Um, I don't know," I said.

"You really don't know where to?" Shawn asked.

I sighed. "I told you, I've never really been shopping before."

Shawn sighed too. "Okay, I'll just take you to a couple of stores and if you find anything that you like then let me know."

After a while of Shawn bringing me into different stores, I finally found the one. I tried on a couple of things that I liked. I was kind of sad that I didn't have any money to pay but Shawn gladly paid for me.

"Thank you, Shawn," I said.

"No prob, (Y/n)," Shawn smiled. "It's the least I could do."

"Yeah, other than letting me stay in your house," I smiled.

Shawn and I were walking around until I spotted Tyler and his gang of friends but that's not what made me stop smiling. There, standing next to Tyler was Dustin.

"Crap," I mumbled.

"What?" Shawn asked looking around.

"Tyler, my boyfriend, and their gang are here," I said.

"Where?" Shawn asked cracking his knuckles and still looking around.

"No, Shawn. Don't," I said. "If you make their life miserable then they'll lash out on me. And that's the last thing I need."

"Okay," Shawn sighed. "But if they ever treat you bad or do anything that they aren't supposed to do, you know who to call."

"Technically I can't call anybody because I don't have a phone," I said.

"Well, we will have to change that," Shawn said grabbing my hand.

"Wait, what?" I asked as Shawn dragged me into a phone store.


Thank you for continuing to read my story (if anybody's out there) I really appreciate it!

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