Part 19

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Shawn's POV

"Release him," (Y/N)'s dad said. As soon as he spoke those words, the ropes that were holding me to the chair were untied. "You ready to fight, boy?"

"If it means my and (Y/N)'s freedom then I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I said.

"Alright," (Y/N)'s dad said with a smirk. "But I have to warn you, you don't stand a chance against me."

"Bet," I said before charging towards him.

He simply blocked all of my punches as if they were nothing. I kept punching until he kneed me in the stomach. Falling back a bit, I took a deep breath. Once I was breathing normally again, I came at him again. This time though, I was aiming for the cheap shots. (Y/N)'s dad went for another hit at my stomach but I blocked it and kneed him between his legs. He then fell to his knees allowing me to push him to the ground.

"I don't stand a chance, huh?" I asked standing over him.

He grinned before quickly moving one of his legs and knocking me to the ground.

I groaned and tried to push myself up off the ground to continue the fight. However, he pinned me to the ground with his foot. Smirking, he lifted his foot up only to kick me in the ribs. I screamed in pain as he kicked me again and again. Finally, though, when (Y/N)'s dad's foot came towards me, I was able to grab ahold of it and shove it away. Then it was time for me to stand up. Pushing myself up off the ground with my weak arms, a thought kept crossing my mind. Don't lose the fight. If you lose, you'll never see (Y/N) again. Don't lose, don't lose, don't lose... With the need to win and threw a punch at (Y/N)'s dad which landed on his jaw. He then tried to land a punch on my gut when I blocked it and instead hit him in the stomach with my knee. He tried to back up but I held the neck of his shirt to keep him close. As (Y/N)'s dad tried to get away, I gave him a good punch in the nose and kick between the legs before letting him drop to the ground.

"Alright, kid, you win," (Y/N)'s dad said holding onto his stomach. "But don't think you won't see me again."

"Oh trust me," I said leaning over him. "I won't."

I then ran over to (Y/N) who had been tied up in a chair this whole time.

"Are you okay?" I asked untieing her.

"Yeah, are you?" (Y/N) asked, worry filling her pretty (e/c) eyes.

"I'll be fine," I said. "Now, let's get outta here."

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