Part 24

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Shawn’s POV

It’s been a day or two since we got the bird and it just keeps repeating everything I say. I have to admit, it gets really annoying.

“(Y/N), the bird won’t stop repeating everything I say,” I whined to her.

“(Y/N), the human won’t stop repeating everything I say,” Max said.

“You two will have to get along sometime,” (Y/N) said, looking up from her phone.

“Yeah,” I said quietly under my breath. “Sometime.”

“Yeah,” Max said with his big parrot mouth. “Sometime.”

“Shut up!” I said.

“No you,” Max said, glaring at me. If it’s even possible for a bird to glare.

“Alright boys, calm yourselves,” (Y/N) said, laughing a bit as she spoke.

“I’m going out to get some fresh air,” I said, making my way to the door.

“Okay, be safe,” (Y/N) said, watching me leave.

“Be safe,” Max repeated.

“Okay,” I said, walking out the door and down the road.

After a block or so of walking, I looked towards the sky. It was beginning to get dark and some stars were starting to shine through the black sky. I sighed and looked forward to continue walking. I began walking and right as I passed an alleyway, I heard crying.

“Hello?” I asked, looking into the dark alleyway.

There was no response, but whimpering could be heard.

“Hey, is anyone there?” I asked, turning my phone’s flashlight on and beginning to walk down the alleyway.

“Go away,” a male’s voice said.

I stopped in my tracks. That voice sounded familiar.

“Dustin?” I asked, shining my flashlight towards him.

“Go,” Dustin said.

My flashlight found him and I saw that his face had been red from crying. Not only was he crying but there were cuts on his arms and face. Dustin’s clothes were all cut up and damaged, and his hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in days.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“No. Now please, leave me alone,” Dustin said.

“What happened to you?” I asked, discovering bruises on his face.

“Nothing, now go!” Dustin said getting angry.

“I’m only asking because I want to help you,” I said.

“You’re lying!” Dustin yelled. “The last time someone told me that-”

“What? What happened after someone told you they wanted to help you?” I asked, realizing I was getting something out of him.

“They… they went after her and they killed her,” Dustin said.

“Who? Who did they kill?” I asked, beginning to kneel down next to Dustin.

“My sister,” Dustin said before beginning to cry again.

“How old was she?” I asked.

“She was only eleven,” Dustin said.

“Who killed her?”

“Those bastards did.”

“But who did it? Who specifically?”

“It was all his fault.”

“One person did this?”

“No, there were more. But he was the man in charge.”

“Who is in charge?”

“Oliver (L/N).”

“(Y/N)’s dad?”

Dustin nodded.


Hey guys, I am so sorry for not updating this sooner but I have been really busy with school and track. I will see if I can update at least two or three times a month but I make no promises. Also, I am sorry if anyone’s dad is actually named Oliver. It’s the only name I could think of so please don’t take any offence to it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please make sure to vote and comment. Alright, peace!

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