Part 26

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Shawn’s POV

(Y/N) pulled away from the kiss between her and Dustin and turned to look at me.

“(Y/N)? What just happened?” I asked.

“Oh my gosh! Shawn! I am so sorry!” (Y/N) said.

“So you did it on purpose then?” I asked.

“NO! I would never do something like that!” (Y/N) said.

“Well you just did,” I said.

“Not on purpose!” (Y/N) said.

“Oh no, it was totally on purpose,” Dustin said, a smirk growing on his face.

“(Y/N), how could you?!” I asked, a tear beginning to roll down my cheek.

“Shawn, it wasn’t on purpose! Trust me!” (Y/N) said.

“No, get out!” I said, pointing out the door. “And take that dirtbag with you!”

“Shawn, think reasonable,” (Y/N) said.

“No, get out,” I said.

“Okay,” Dustin said. “Let’s give him some space my one and only.”

“Shawn, please. Trust me when I say that it wasn’t on purpose!” (Y/N) said. “Dustin forced me to kiss him! He was making me do it against my own will.”

“Yet you kissed him back,” I said.

“No I didn’t!” (Y/N) said.

“Just go, I need some time to think anyway,” I said.

“Fine,” (Y/N) said, exiting the room. “I’m leaving!”

“Come on, babe,” Dustin said. “Let’s leave him alone.”

“Don’t call me that,” (Y/N) said.

When they were gone, I sat down on the bed, holding my head in my hands. How could she do that? Why would she do that? Wait, what if (Y/N) was telling the truth about her and Dustin, but I was just too mad to listen? I just made a horrible choice. But what if she really did enjoy that kiss? Would (Y/N) really kiss another guy while in a relationship?

I sighed and laid on the bed. How could this day get any worse?

“Shawn, is (Y/N) here?” my mom asked from downstairs.

“No, she went on a walk,” I said, standing up and exiting the room to go downstairs.

“Well, when she gets back can you let her know that her father is wanting to see her?” my mom asked.

“Her dad?” I asked, sitting on the counter.

“Yes,” my mom said. “Now get off the counter.”

“But why does (Y/N)’s dad want to see her?” I asked.

“Because he wants to let her know that he still cares and he wants (Y/N) to live with him,” my mom said.

“He wants (Y/N) to live with him?” I asked.

“Yeah,” my mom said.

“But he’s a terrible person,” I said. “(Y/N) and I found that out the first time we met him.”

“You two already met him?”

“Yeah, he scared (Y/N) so bad. She didn’t even want to see him again after we met him for the first time. But, of course we had to have bad luck and we saw him again.”

“Did he do anything to (Y/N)?”


“Did he do anything to you?”

“Uh… no.”

“Shawn, what did he do to you?”


“You’re lying. Now tell me, what did he do to you?”

“He, uh… broke a couple of my ribs?”

“Oh my goodness!”

“Yeah, but it’s fine.”

“No it most certainly is not!”

I stared at my mom and was about to say something before the sounds of sirens filled my ears.

I ran to the front door and threw it open to see police cars and ambulances speeding down the street.

“Shit! I knew I shouldn’t have let her go with him!” I said, going inside and grabbing the keys to my jeep.

“Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, where are you going?!” my mom asked.

“Wherever those police cars are going!” I said, getting into my jeep and following the police cars and ambulances.

I had just pulled up to the scene of the “crime” to see the medical people putting a person on a stretcher and bringing it towards the ambulance. I ran over to the people and saw that the person on the stretcher was Dustin. Rolling my eyes, I walked away from him and tried to find (Y/N), hoping that she was okay.

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” a police officer said before I could get too close to the “crime” scene.

“But my girlfriend could be in there!” I said.

“Okay, so?” the officer said. “It’s still a crime scene that you need to stay away from.”

“But-” I said before the police officer cut me off.

“No, you can’t get past me!” the officer said.

“Is this boy bothering you?” a familiar voice asked.

“Oh, no, he’s fine. Just about to leave actually,” the officer said.

“Really?” the man said, allowing me to see his face. “And I thought the fun was just about to begin.”

“Oliver (L/N),” I said. “I figured I’d see you here.”

“And you, my young friend, were correct,” Oliver smiled.

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