Part 23

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(Y/N)'s POV

“It’s a surprise,” Shawn said, a light appearing in his dark brown eyes.

“A surprise, huh?” I asked.

“Yup,” Shawn said. “I figured that you could use a surprise.”

“And that means?” I asked.

“Just wait,” Shawn said.

“You know, the last surprise you had for me involved your special spot and a boat, and then the boat tipping and us getting soaked,” I said.

“This one will be better,” Shawn said. “You’ll like it, I promise.”

“Okay,” I sighed. “But if I don’t like this surprise, I’m full on blaming you.”

“I’m perfectly fine with that,” Shawn said.

It was quiet for a while until I couldn’t take the silence any longer.

“Can I get the aux cord and your phone?” I asked.

“Why?” Shawn asked.

“Because it’s too quiet and I want music,” I whined.

“Why don’t you use the music on your phone?” Shawn asked, taking his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me.

“Because we didn’t put any music on my phone,” I said, punching the password into Shawn’s phone and plugging the aux cord into it.

“You’ve got me there,” Shawn said as I put on Bad Reputation.

“She got a bad reputation
She takes the long way home,” I sang making Shawn chuckle and sing along as well.

Thirty minutes of singing songs off Shawn’s phone and making fun of each other we finally reached the surprise area.

“Here,” Shawn said, giving me a blindfold.

“A blindfold, really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Just put it on,” Shawn said.

“Fine,” I huffed, putting the blindfold over my eyes. As soon as my eyes were covered, I got a little nervous. “Shawn, are you still next to me?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Okay, good. Promise this involves you staying next to me the whole time?” I said.

“Promise,” Shawn said. “Let’s get you out of the car now.”

“Okay,” I said, hearing Shawn open and close his door.

Soon, I heard my door open.

“Ready?” Shawn asked.

“To get out of a car blindfolded? I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, hearing Shawn chuckle.

After blindly getting out of the car, my hand found Shawn’s and I held on to it tight. He led me into a building and talked to someone before we began walking again and then stopped.

“Can I take my blindfold off now?” I asked, before I felt the floor move.

“Not yet,” Shawn said as I clung onto him.

I heard a ding and he led me somewhere else. I wish I didn’t have to wear this damn blindfold. It sucks. Hearing Shawn talk to another person, I was beginning to wonder if he just blindfolded me so I wouldn’t have to go through any awkward situations. Before I was ready to start walking again, I felt Shawn tug on my arm. Snapping into the direction he tugged me in, I let him lead me again.

“Are we there yet?” I asked.

“Almost,” I heard Shawn say.

I groaned as we continued walking. Shawn then led me into an unknown area and gave the words.

“You can take the blindfold off now,” he said.

“Thank God,” I said, beginning to untie the blindfold.

Once the blindfold was off, I saw about a hundred colorful birds.

“They’re beautiful,” I said, admiring each bird.

“Even better, you get to keep one,” Shawn said.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“As serious as I’ll ever be,” Shawn said.

“You know, usually guys would get their girlfriend a puppy or a kitten,” I said.

“Well, I’m actually allergic to cats and dogs so I went with the next best thing,” Shawn said.

“That makes me glad, because birds are my favorite animal,” I said.

“Birds are my favorite animal,” a parrot copied.

“What?” I asked, looking at the parrot. “Say that again.”

“Say that again,” the parrot copied.

A smile spread across my face. “This one,” I said. “This bird right here.”

“This one,” the parrot said. “This human right here.”

“This one? Why?” Shawn asked, admiring the parrot and its half rainbow of colors.

“Why? Why? Why?” the parrot repeated.

“That’s why,” I said.

“Alright, we’ll get him,” Shawn said.

“We’ll get him, we’ll get him,” the parrot repeated happily, while flapping his wings.

“He’s going to be great,” I said.

“Promise me you’ll still love me more than the parrot though,” Shawn said.

“Love you,” the parrot said before giving whistle.

“I don’t know yet, looks like you’ve got competition,” I said, a smile spreading across my face.

“Competition, huh?” Shawn said, scowling at the bird.

“Don’t worry, I’m gonna love you more than the parrot,” I said.

“Awe,” the parrot said, dropping his head down.

“But I’ll still love you too,” I said, causing the parrot to pick it’s head up and whistle happily.

“Okay, but if we get him, he’s got to have a name,” Shawn said.

“What about the cost of him?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about that, I paid for him before we got here,” Shawn said.

“You already paid for this specific bird?” I asked.

Shawn nodded.

“You know me so well,” I said, giving him a hug.

“Yeah, I know,” Shawn said, hugging me back.

“Name the bird, name the bird,” the parrot said, making me and Shawn part from our hug.

“I like the name Max, what about you?” I said.

“Naming a parrot Max, I think it fits him,” Shawn said.

“What about you?” I asked, looking at the parrot. “Do you like the name Max?”

“Are you seriously ask-” Shawn said.

“I like Max. Max is good name,” the parrot said, cutting Shawn off.

“Nevermind,” Shawn said, making me laugh.

“Are we bringing him home now?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Shawn said.

“YES!” I cheered.

Her (A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction) ✅Where stories live. Discover now