Part 16

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No one's POV

He was standing there. Still as a statue and quiet as a ghost. His eyes flashed left and right as if he was searching for someone. Finally, a figure approached him.

"You know what you have to do?" He asked.

The figure nodded.

"You have what you need?" The man asked.

Again, the figure nodded but this time pulled a sack out of his backpack that he seemed to have with him.

"Good, very good," the man said smiling an evil smile.

The figure smiled along with the man. "Yes, yes it is."


(Y/N)'s POV

It was a quiet walk back to Shawn's house and we didn't even get there. We were almost to Shawn's house when a figure randomly came out of a dark alleyway. He moved fast and swift through the evening light. When he had followed me and Shawn for half a block, I got scared. What did he want from us?

"Shawn, who is that guy following us?" I asked him hoping Shawn would know.

"I don't know," he said looking over his shoulder at the guy who was following behind. "How long has he been following us?"

"About half a block," I whispered sensing the guy getting closer.

"Seriously?" Shawn asked looking back again.

Suddenly the footsteps behind us went from walking to running and my vision went black.

"Shawn!" I screamed. "Shawn, help!"

Shawn's POV

(Y/N) said something about someone following us but when I heard her scream my name, I became terrified.

"Shawn!" (Y/N) screamed. "Shawn, help!"

I turned and saw a figure dragging her into the darkness.

"(Y/N)!" I screamed back at her running into the same dark area where the figure dragged her. "I'm coming (Y/N)! I'll save you."

I suddenly came to a dead end. There was nothing to my left and nothing to my right.

"(Y/N)?" I called out worried about her. "(Y/N)?" Tears started forming in my eyes. "(Y... Y/N)?" I then dropped to my knees crying and not being able to stop the tears from falling.

Then it hit me. The tears stopped, and I stood up. I had to save her. I just had to. I clenched my fist and walked out of the alleyway. Now to find out where the figure took (Y/N).

I hope you guys like that chapter. If not and if you think there are some things missing, feel free to comment. Other than that, make sure to like and share. And thank you again for reading my story.

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