Part 12

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Shawn's POV

(Y/N) started swimming away and before I could think, I grabbed her arm.

"(Y/N), please don't go," I pleaded.

"Why? So you can kiss me again and tell me that you didn't mean to?!" (Y/N) shot.

"No," I said hurt. "(Y/N), I really did mean that kiss but I didn't know if you were ready for a boyfriend after Dustin. I mean, I like you and I don't know if you like me back. I don't know if you want me the way that I want you because (Y/N), I really want you. I want to kiss you, hug you, let you have a shoulder to cry on, and have someone to love you as much as you love them." I took a breath after realizing that I had ranted.

(Y/N) only stared at me speechless. She didn't say a word and I started to worry. Does she not love me the way that I love her? Is she processing what I just told her? My head flooded with more and more questions until I saw (Y/N) open her mouth to speak.

"Shawn, I... I...," she started before she sighed and looked into the water.

I too sighed and looked into the water, until I felt a hand under my chin. I looked up and (Y/N) was looking at me with her (e/c) eyes. Without any warning, (Y/N) kissed me.

"Shawn, I love you. I want you the way you want me. Shawn, I want to kiss you, hug you, I want you to be the shoulder that I cry on, and I want to love me as much as you love me," she said.

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes," (Y/N) smiled.


(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Shawn asked.

Before my mind could process the thought, the answer was at the tip of my tongue.

"Yes," I smiled.

Yes, I know. My and Shawn's relationship had been moving fast but it feels like he's the only one I can really trust in this crazy world. And yes, I know that I've only known him for a couple of days but it feels like I've known him for all of my life. Cheesy I know, but it's true. And yes, I know that I just broke up with Dustin a while ago but Shawn makes me feel safe.

Shawn smiled and leaned towards me for a kiss. I leaned towards him and other lips met in a soft, passionate, loving kiss.

We pulled away both smiling like the idiots we were.

"So... you wanna go out on a date tomorrow?" Shawn asked nervously.

"Sure," I said making him smile. "But first, I want to get out of the water and change into some dry clothes."

Shawn laughed his cute laugh. "Let's go."


Once we got back to Shawn's house, I took a shower then changed into a pair of his sweats.

"My sweats, really?" Shawn asked as soon as I was back in his room.

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