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“Said her name was Georgia Rose/ And her daddy was a dentist,” Liam’s voice crooned through my phone alarm, waking me.

After yawning & stretching, I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. Today was the big day: my first flight to London to proof read for a popular and well-established publishing house. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a bit nervous. I mean, this is something I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember and its something that I honestly and truly love. Not to mention, Fan Fiction is now considered a book genre so many great authors have been discovered and the fandoms are being taken a bit more seriously, aside from the image of screaming teenage girls stampeding that comes to many peoples’ minds when they think of fans & fandom.  

 Walking into the bathroom, I quickly stripped and stepped into the shower, lathering soap onto my loofah and scrubbing my skin. After rinsing off, I squeezed some conditioner into my hand and began working it through my shoulder length curly hair, using my fingers to untangle and part my hair as I rinse out the conditioner and add hair product for the day. Satisfied with my hair, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself while, blotting water out my hair and plugging in my diffuser to dry my hair. Once dried, my curls are springy and dried nicely, so I head to my room to get dressed and to check the time. My flight is for 10p.m at night and it’s only 5pm now, so I have time to get dressed, grab a bite to eat and head to the airport. Opening my closet, I decide on: a plain white v-neck tee shirt, my cardigan/wrap pullover, dark wash boyfriend jeans & my white converse sneakers, with my fedora pulled strategically on my head. Grabbing my glasses, I place them on and suddenly everything is clearer. I have horrible vision without them.

Crossing by my bed, I grab my tablet and check my handbag to make sure I have everything I need.

Tablet? Check.

Spare charger? Check.

Cell phone? Check.

Passport? Check.

Wallet? Check.

Gum? Check.

Snacks that wont get flagged by TSA? Check.

Notebook & pen? Check.

Camera? Check.

My new job rocks. I’ve got the first two weeks off in order to acclimate to the time change, so I plan to use that time to sleep and sight see. I mean it’s London. I also plan on adding a few new pieces to the website that two of my friends and I built, basically describing my travels and what i'm seeing and doing across the pond. I'm going to miss not seeing them so often, but they promised they'd come visit once i get settled.

Grabbing my suitcases & bags, I head outside to wait for the taxi to come. I’ve already paid the rent for my apartment for the year with part of the advance that I got on accepting the job & I also was able to snag a condo in a trendy part of London. The realtor was only too happy to inform me that a few celebrities will be neighbors of mine, she couldn’t say who though. Ah well, I just hope they’re nice.

The sleek, traditional yellow cab pulls up and the cabbie hops out to help me with my bags. I can’t help but smile. I love new adventures.

DayDream (Liam Payne FF) (BWWM) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now