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(25) Aubri- Smoke Screens

I roll and stretch on the bed, hitting a warm body. “We have to stop meeting like this Styles,” I grumble as a swipe a hand down my face.

“So this is a regular thing since you’ve been here,” an Aussie accent teases and my eyes fly open as Chris laughs at me.

Rolling my eyes, I get out of the bed and rub Loki’s stomach, still ignoring him, before grabbing clothes out of my bag and walking into the bathroom, locking it behind me.

Scanning the bathroom, I lean back against the door and sigh. Chris is supposed to be my new security but so far the only thing he’s managed to secure is his spot dancing on my last nerves. Straightening myself up, I smile when I notice Liam has left a new towel out for me to use. It’s brown, my favorite color. Setting the towel back in its place, I assess myself in the mirror. My eyes are no longer puffy from being jet-lagged, which is great, my eyes are bright and my unruly strands have broken free from their bun, but some of them are tucked behind my ear. Smiling lightly, I shake my hair out and make a new bun.

I feel good today.

Brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face, I step into the shower, letting the warm water run down my face, lightly clearing away anything that didn’t come off when I splashed my face. It’s a habit of mine. There’s just something soothing about water running down my face, it feels like less tension then having to use an exfoliator on my face and it gives me time to think.

I get to move into my apartment today. Chris is also moving in. I squeeze some of my shower gel as I ponder over that. Chris is nice enough given the circumstances… he just seems to know exactly how to aggravate me but he’s actually pretty funny and I do enjoy his company, most of the time anyway.

Rinsing the suds off my skin, I turn the water off and quickly towel dry before applying lotion to my skin. Sliding into my underwear, I shrug into my crop top and sweatpants before sitting on a ledge by the sink to put on my ankle socks. Pulling my hair down from the bun, I shake it out, running my fingers through my curls.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Loki is all underfoot as I make my way to my laundry bag to place my dirty clothes in. Chris quickly walks back in the room from wherever he went while I was taking a shower and shuts the door, locking it.

I shoot him a look as he looks at me, a bit bothered.


“We need to talk,” he says.

“Okay… well let me grab something to eat and then sure,” I begin, walking around him to go to the door, when he stops me.

“That’s what we need to talk about,” he says as he guides me over to the bed and sits, patting the spot next to him. I sit down hesitantly, feeling uneasy about whatever is about to come out of his mouth. I’ve yet to see Chris look this serious, it’s unnerving.

“Well you know that Dave has a brother that’s married to Sophia’s sister, right?”

I nod, shuddering slightly at the memories that name dredges up.

“Well his brother is sitting in the kitchen right now,” Chris continues, looking at me with concern. “Now I can go out there and make you something to eat and bring it for you, or we can slide out through the other hallway and get food, it’s really up to you,” Chris offers.


“No?” Chris parrots, looking at me in surprise.

“No,” I repeat, firmer this time. “Dave does not get to win. I won’t live my life in constant fear of him. He doesn’t get to win. I’m going to get food,” I say as I get up and unlock the bedroom door, strolling into the kitchen where I can see Liam standing up talking to a seated figure.

DayDream (Liam Payne FF) (BWWM) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now