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Kissing Liam deeply and sealing it with a peck on the lips, he slings his bag over his shoulder, pulling the front door shut behind him. Him leaving to go on tour is still such a new thing to me. Locking the door and rubbing my stomach, I waddle into the living room and settle on the couch with snacks and a big bottle of water.

The baby has been especially hyper as of late, kicking a mile a minute with no rest time on the horizon. Cadence left with the boys on tour and Harlee decided to go to the last few shows, taking Fletcher with her. Riley is nowhere to be found and Chris came to visit yesterday, but he too, is also missing in action today.

"Looks like its just me and you today," I say to Loki and he perks his ears slightly before going back to gnawing on his bone, paying me absolutely no mind.

Sighing, I flip through channels, ending up at an old favorite and I make myself comcortable on the couch.

Not quite sure when I nodded off, I jump awake hearing a crash and Loki yelps, but then I hear his tags jingling as he walks to another part of the house. Not paying him to much attention, I get up to use the bathroom when a thud to my temple sends everything black.

DayDream (Liam Payne FF) (BWWM) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now