Sophia- blurred lines & kettle black

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Sophia- Blurred Lines

(Unedited Chapter)

Inhaling deeply, I turn the key in the door as I hear the trunk being slammed shut behind me, and my bags scraping the pavement from being rolled across the floor. Hearing the lock click, I turn the knob and push open the door, stepping into the foyer of my sister’s house.

My sister instantly appears at the top of the stairs, a broad grin appearing as she runs down the stairs. Tackling me into a bear hug, she showers kisses across my forehead and I pull out of her embrace, causing her to frown.

“Why won’t you take my love,” she fake pouts.

I grimace. I really don’t know how he deals with this. She’s intensely clingy and sometimes it’s cute, like when I needed her at the hospital, but then there are times when I really don’t have the time for her exaggerated expressions of affection.


I cringe as her high-pitched squeals hit my ears. I can hear her running to greet him at the front door, where he stands separating my bags from his, as I walk into their kitchen a grab a bottle of wine, popping it open and pouring a glass.

“Theo James Huntington, how many times have I told you about putting those dirty suitcases on my clean floor, you’re bringing in international germs,” she scolds and I can almost hear him rolling his eyes at her from my spot at the kitchen nook. The thought makes me smile.

My sister and Theo stroll into the kitchen, arms linked and I pour myself another glass of wine, to which my sister frowns but says nothing. “Well I was just putting the finishing touches on dinner, you’re more then welcome to stay,” my sister says as she begins moving about the kitchen. Theo sneaks a sip of wine from my glass and smirks at me. Smirking back, I bite my bottom lip and school my features as my sister turns to face me.

“Actually,” I begin slowly as I get up from the kitchen nook, “I haven’t seen Liam since I’ve gotten back and we haven’t talked in a bit. I probably should go smooth things over with him.

Theo pulls the keys out of his pocket as he stands, “I can take you if you need a ride.” He offers, while sending me another subtle look.

The man is insatiable.

Gathering my bag and cellphone, I round the nook and kiss my sister on the cheek as I grab a set of keys off the key ring next to her miniature wine rack. “No, thanks. I’ll drive my own car, thanks.”

Theo looks disappointed, but he pulls it together before my sister notices. I shake my head as I exit their house. It’s like he wants us to get caught and I can’t afford for that to happen. My sister would be crushed and I really can’t answer the questions I know she would have.

I signed a contract.

The contract. I get a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I think of how that came about.

Brushing that thought away, I quickly make my way to Liam’s apartment and park. Stepping off the elevator, I walk over to his door, when I hear voices, more specifically a female voice.

Liam would never, I think to myself as I press an ear to the door, listening. There is definitely a female in his house. I pull out my key, getting ready to open the door, when I hear a male voice that isn’t Liam. Pausing, I place the voice as Harry’s. It sounds as if he’s trying to calm whoever he’s speaking to down and she’s sobbing.

I barely hear Harry’s next few words but the girl’s response makes me get that queasy feeling in my stomach again.

Backing away from the door, I grab the elevator and quickly join the people walking on the street outside, gasping for air as the elevator and hallway felt as if they were closing in on me.

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