Make me feel numb

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I slam the door and press my back against it, sliding down the door frame into a heap of me on the floor.


The bi tch isn't even with him anymore and she still manages to fu ck everything up. My chest burns as if I were actually stabbed. He compared me to her. Accused me of pulling the same vindictive shi/t that she did, partly the reason why he and I even ended up together and he compares me to her.

Burying my face into my arms, I let the silent tears roll out, as I refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry.

Who the hell does he think he is? Accusing me of being that demented chick and then grabbing my hand like everything is all fine and well.


Liam's ipad buzzes and I walk over to it, fully prepared to haul it out the door at him.

Sophia. The fuc/k?

Thanks so much for meeting with me. I'm glad that given everything we can still be adults and have a conversation. Oh, and lunch is always a plus. :)

I screenshot the message and send it to myself as I can hear Liam running towards the bedroom and I glance at the door.

It's locked.

Going on twitter, my notifications are chock full of pictures of them today and the girls that stan for her are trying their best to get my account suspended.

Liam is furiously banging on the door and trying to break down the door with his shoulder as I'm screenshot and sending everything to my phone.

Furious isn't the word.

Jamming my phone in my sweats pocket, I quickly throw some clothes into a bag and put my sneakers on. Grabbing my passport, I shove that in my pocket with my phone and check that my wallet is in my bag.

Grabbing his ipad, I snatch open the door and he loses his footing and falls in mid run. Throwing his ipad at him, I yell over my shoulder "Funny how you accuse me of acting like that bitch when the two of you are having fuc/king lunch dates around the town." Grabbing his keys out of the dish, I throw open the door and sprint for the stairs as I hear him running after me. Beating him to his car, I hop in and lock the doors as he's pounding on the window, trying to explain and I don't want to hear it.

She wants me dead and they're doing lunch, but he's angry that I could be pregnant.

I'm wiping tears and weaving in and out of traffic as I break for the airport.

I need to go home.

Running to the airlines desk, I slam my passport down and request a ticket for the next flight out. After securing my ticket, I go through screening and pull my hoodie up after noticing a few girls pointing and snapping pictures. No doubt I look like a red eyed emotional mess.

"What else am I supposed to look like? It's the pregnancy hormones starting to kick in," my subconscious lightly reminds me.

Now is not the time...

Walking briskly through the airport, I spot a mailing service, where I buy a box and scribble Paddy's info on and drop Liam's keys in the box, seal it and pay for it to be sent.

"All boarding for New York please proceed to the gate.."

I walk over to the check in desk, scan my ticket, accutely aware of someone yelling my name. Quickening my pace, I board the shuttle bus to the plane. Storing my bag under the seat in front of me, I put on my headphones and finally let myself fully breakdown as the flight takes off.

New York, New York...


Hey guys! Hope you've been checking out the pictures and videos I've been putting at the side of the stories. Helps you get a feel for what I'm trying to convey. -B

DayDream (Liam Payne FF) (BWWM) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now