Chapter 6

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"Sure." I respond.
"So remember a while back I asked you for advice on a girl?"
I remembered it like it was yesterday.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Well I haven't really acted on your advice." Jonah says.
"You haven't talked to your friend about it yet?"
"No i've been too nervous. I have been falling for the girl more and more but my friend and her are starting to get together."
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Jack and I.
"I would just talk to your friend, he will probably understand."
"And should I tell the girl?" Jonah makes eye contact.
"I would wait and talk to your friend first." I say, then quickly break the eye contact.
"Thanks Lauren, I can always count on you for advice."
By this time, we are done eating lunch and we both stand up. Jonah hugs me and I smile at him.
We drive home, still listening to music but we don't talk.
When we get home, we both walk in the door and all the boys except for Jack are standing up in a line. They start singing a love song.
I look at Jonah, confused, but he shrugs his shoulders.
The boys stop and music is playing, and I suddenly am no longer confused when Jack walks down the stairs in a tuxedo.
He sings, "Lauren, will you go on a date with me?" And hands me flowers. Red roses, my favorite.
I nod my head, too surprised to say anything and Jack picks my up and twirls me into a hug.
I am smiling while hugging him because I am so happy.
All of the boys are clapping, Jonah a little less than the rest.
"How long do you need to get ready?" Jack asks me after he puts my down.
"I'll be as fast as I can." He smiles at me.
"In other words, she'll be a couple hours." Daniel says and the boys laugh.
"Maybe double that." I say.
Jack looks at me.
"Just kidding!" I say laughing, which makes the others laugh.
I run upstairs and start getting ready quickly.
About 30 minutes later i've done my hair and makeup, I just need to put a dress on.
Luckily, I have been dreaming about this moment for a while, and have already picked out our first date outfit.
I put it on and check how I look one more time in the mirror.
Then, I walk downstairs and everyone looks at me.
I get a few cat calls and I smile and bow playfully.
I finally spot Jack and his eyes get wide.
"Woah." He says.
I look down and feel my cheeks getting red.
He comes close to me and lifts my head up with his hand.
"You look amazing." He says.
I smile. "You do too."
He takes my hand and the boys yell good luck as we get in the car. I wave to them and they wave back as we drive away.
In the car, Jack says, "I am so glad we are finally going on a date."
I look at me. "Me too," I put my hand on his arm. "So where are we going exactly?"
"It's a surprise." He says, while putting his hand on mine(using the other to drive obviously).
He makes me soooooo happy.
We finally arrive at the restaurant and he helps me out of the Jeep.
"This place is so nice, you really didn't have to do this Jack."
He stops walking and looks at me.
"Anything for you, I made reservations earlier."
I start tearing up. He uses his thumb to wipe the tears off my face.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"You're so sweet Jack, I can't believe you did this for me."
"Don't cry, it's really not much."
I take his hand that he was resting on my face.
"Thank you." I say.
He smiles. "Don't thank me."
He walks me inside and our table is ready.
We sit down and start talking. We laugh and get to know each other. This was definitely one of the best nights ever.
When we are finished eating, I insist on helping paying but he doesn't let me.
What a gentlemen.
We get back in the car and drive home.
Before we walk in the door I stop him.
"Thank you for the best night ever Jack Avery."
I say and kiss him.
"No, thank you for the best night ever, Lauren Jones."
We walk inside and the boys are on the couch, once again.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." I say and Jack nods.
I walk upstairs and get in the shower.

Jack's POV:

Lauren walks upstairs and I join the boys on the couch.
"How was it?" Daniel asks.
"Amazing." I say kicking my feet up. "She is the perfect girl. She made me laugh, I made her laugh. It just felt like I could be myself around her."
"I wish I had that." Zach says.
"Aw buddy you'll find your girl one day." I say patting his back.
"Jack and I have already found ours." Corbyn says winking at me.
I nod my head back.
"Do you really think she is the one?" Zach asks.
I nod. "Yeah. I really do. She's everything I've ever wanted in a girl."

Lauren's POV:

I forgot to grab pajamas so I run back into Jack's room to grab a shirt of his and I overhear him and the boys talking.
"Do you really think she is the one?"
I think that was Zach who asked.
"Yeah. I really do. She's everything I've ever wanted in a girl."
I cover my mouth with my hand trying not to make a sound.
"Well I better go get changed."
Oh shoot that was Jack. I run back to the bathroom and lock the door. I turn on the shower and get in.
That was close.
I walk out of the bathroom and into Jack's room. He is laying down and watching tv.
"What did I say about knocking?" He looks over at me.
"Oh sorry, I though you were one of the guys."
"It's ok."
He staring at me and not saying anything. I wave my hand to try to catch his attention.
"Oh sorry. You just look really hot in that shirt."
I look down at myself and sit on the bed.
"Why thank you."
I scoot closer to Jack.
"You know?" I say. "Tonight was one of the best nights of my life."
He smiles. "Me too."
"And I heard what you said about me." I say. He looks worried.
"What do you mean?"
"When Zach asked you if I was the one, I heard what you said."
He rubs his neck with his hand and looks down.
"Oh." He turns red. 
"Don't be embarrassed. I feel the same way about you."
He looks up. "Really? I'm not moving too fast?"
I take his hand. "Of course not." I say assuring him.
"Good." He says.
I lean in and kiss him.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks.
"Sure. What movie?" I ask, and get up to turn the lights off.
"The purge?"
I get under the covers.
"I might get scared." I say.
"I know, and when you get scared you grab me and get close. That's why I picked it."
I smile at him, he knows me too well.
He puts on the movie and he was right, every time I got scared, I buried my face in his chest and grabbed him. At one point I ended up in his lap I was so scared.
He laughed every time I got scared.
When the movie was over, we ended up cuddling and I was almost asleep when he said, "I have to talk to you in the morning."
"About what?" I ask.
"You'll find out in the morning, won't you?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Don't worry, its nothing bad." He says, kissing my cheek and continuing cuddling me.
"Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight." I say, smiling.

I hope you guys like this story so far!!
Let me know how I'm doing!
Ill update soon!💓

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