Chapter 35

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Lauren's POV:

I take a deep breath.
"Will you come to Pennsylvania with me?"
"What?" I say confused.
"The boys and I are all going back home for about a week to visit, and my mom and sisters are so eager to meet you. I thought you could come with?"
"Of course Jack!"
He puts his hand out on the table and I take it.
"I'm so glad you want to go! I was scared you would get all nervous and freak out about them liking you and everything."
"Oh yeah.." I say slowly.
"No, I shouldn't have said anything. They will love you Lauren." He makes eyes contact and I fall for those soft, brown eyes once more.
Then I nod my head.
"You ready?" He asks.
I snap out of it and sort of jump.
I grab my bags and we start walking to the car, and Jack takes my hand.
"I'm so glad you're mine." He says when we are almost to the escalator.
"You're so cute." I respond and kiss him.
When we are about to walk out, a few girls start running toward Jack.
They get to him and ask him for pictures and such, which I don't mind.
The girls eventually continue walking and Jack apologizes.
"I'm so sorry."
"No that's okay, I understand." I smile after I say it, and take his hand again, slightly squeezing it so he knows it's ok.
We drive back home, and everyone is taking a photo shoot in the backyard.
"Can I join!?" I yell, dropping all my bags.
"Sure!" Daniel yells back.
"Me too!" Jack shouts, while copying what I did.
I laugh a little.
Jack crouches down for his first picture, and I get nervous he's going to fall.
"Be careful babe!" I shout before Daniel takes the picture.
He smiles at me.
"Got it!" Daniel screams.
"I wasn't ready." Jack says with a little attitude.
"Don't get sassy with me. It turned out good, right Lauren?"
I walk over to Daniel and look at the screen.
It was a blurry picture of Jack smiling, but he was looking at the camera actually.
"I actually really like it." I say.
"Let me see, let me see." Jack happily shouts and runs over to Daniel and I.
"I think I'm gonna post it. Send it to me." Jack says to Daniel.
I end up just posting a picture I took earlier.

@laurenjones: retro style🌹

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@laurenjones: retro style🌹


@seaveydaniel: dang @jackaverymusic is a lucky man
@user1: ew
@imzachherron: someone has a crushhhh @seaveydaniel
@jackaverymusic: dang baby😍😍
@laurenjones: i love you @jackaverymusic
@jonahmarais: lookin good bff
@user3: Jack likes that thing?
@zoe_johnson: @user3 excuse you? she's gorgeous
@corbynbesson: i agree @zoe_johnson
@laurenjones: thanks babes💓 @seaveydaniel @imzachherron @jonahmarais @zoe_johnson @corbynbesson
@user4: nasty

I have to admit, the hate hurt.
Then I got a notification that Jack posted.

@jackaverymusic: always cheesin'

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@jackaverymusic: always cheesin'


@zoe_johnson: with you @laurenjones
@loganpaul: that's muh boi
@user1: HOT
@seaveydaniel: smexy bro
@corbynbesson: ^^
@user2: all mine
@zoe_johnson: @user2 actually all Lauren's
@imzachherron: very sexy
@laurenjones: I agree with zach 😍😍 for once
@imzachherron: hey! @laurenjones
@user3: GOALS @jackaverymusic @laurenjones
@user4: i'm never gonna get noticed
@jonahmarais: i love you @user4
@jonahmarais: sick pic btw dude

"Let's get going!" Jonah yells from inside.
I take Jack's hand because his face is buried in his phone.
We all get in the car, Jonah drives, Jack in shotgun and Zoe and I in the back.
I sit behind Jack and Zoe sits behind Jonah.
During the ride the boys talk, and Zoe and I talk, but I still keep one hand in Jack's hair, just playing with the curls.
We park at a fancy restaurant, almost like the one Jack took us to on our first date.
Jonah apparently booked a reservation earlier today so we sat down right away and looked at the menu.
Jack and I sat across from Jonah and Zoe and we were all pretty silent while looking at our menus.
Jack had one hand on my thigh, slowly rubbing it as he looked for what he wanted.
"May I get you started with something to drink?" The waiter asks.
I look up from my menu.
"A strawberry lemonade please."
The waiter nods and scribbles in his note pad.
"And for the Mr?"
Jack looks up. "Pepsi please."
The waiter looks over to Jonah and Zoe.
"Sprite will do." Zoe says.
"Make that two." Jonah adds.
"I'll be right back." The waiter says.
"I'm glad we're doing this." I say.
"Me too." Zoe continues.
"Do you guys know what you want?" Jonah says after a short moment of silence.
"I'm just going to get shrimp alfredo."
"Me too." Zoe says almost right after me.
Jonah nods.
"I'm going to use the bathroom really fast." Jonah says and gets up.
As soon as he's out of sight, I turn to Zoe.
"So??" I ask while smirking.
"He doesn't seem that into me." She whispers.
"This is how he acts at first. He will warm up to you." Jack says and winks.
"Do you think you two will hit it off?" I ask.
"I hope so." She shrugs slightly and smiles, causing me to smile and we both sort of squeal.
Jack looks at us.
"It's a best friend thing." We both say at the same time, and squeal again.
Jack laughs.
"Are you tired?" I ask.
"No, why?" Jack looks confused.
"I want you to do that cute yawn thing where you put your arm around me like at the movie theater."
He smiles.
"Now that I think of it, I am pretty tired."
He pretends to yawn and puts his arm around me, and I kiss his cheek.
"I want this." Zoe says and snaps a picture. "I'll send that to you later."
I laugh.
Soon enough, Jonah comes back over and stands at the end of our table and we all look up at him."
"We have to go. Right now." He says, very serious.

Sorry I took so long to update, school keeps me super busy!
Thank you sooooo much for 4k btw!
I will try to stay updating often.
Tell your friends about this book and vote for this chapter please !!

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