Chapter 24

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Jack's POV:

"WOOOHOOOO!" I hear Corbyn yell.
I get out of bed and walk downstairs, all of the boys are up.
"Jack! We are going on tour today!" Zach says and runs past me.
I laugh.

Lauren's POV:

I hear loud yelling and banging next door, which is what wakes me up.
I get dressed and eat a pop tart, then grab all my bags.
I lock my front door and start walking next door with all of my stuff.
I knock and no one answers. All I hear is yelling from the boys.
I quietly walk inside and see the boys jumping on the couch yelling, and listening to one of their songs.
I see Jack pretending to hold a microphone and singing and dancing. I laugh and he looks over.
At first he turns red and stops. "Don't be embarrassed around me." I say and start dancing too.
It was fun. "I can't wait to do this everyday with all of you!" Daniel shouts.
"Me either!" I yell back and laugh.
A man walks in just then. "Are you guys ready?"
We all go outside and there is a huge tour bus. (I know the guys took a plane to the first spot and then started taking the bus, just changed it a little.) I stop in amazement and feel Jack's hand rubbing against my back.
"It's huge." I say.
"Not the first time I've heard that." He says and winks.
"Jack, you're such a nerd." I respond and laugh.
We walk on to the bus and all the boys yell, "Bill!" When they see the bus driver. It was cute.
"Everyone gets their own bunk." The manager says.
Everyone calls dibs on their bunks, and there are two boys I don't know.
"Lauren, this is Eben. He's our dj." Jack introduces me. "Eben, this is my girlfriend Lauren." We shake hands and I say, "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." He responds.
"August!" Jack shouts at the other boy I didn't know.
"This is my girlfriend Lauren. Lauren, this is our photographer August."
We do the same thing Eben and I did.
My bunk was above Jack's and across from Corbyn's.
Another girl gets on the bus and Corbyn screams.
"Christina!" They hug and then kiss. "I thought you were meeting us in New York?"
"I wanted to surprise you!" She responds.
She looks over at me after saying hi to all the guys.
"Christina, this is Jack's girlfriend Lauren. She's going on tour with us too." Corbyn says.
"Finally, I'm not the only girl!" She adds.
I laugh.
"Corbyn, can I have this bunk, it's across from my new friend." Christina whines.
"Yeah sure." Corbyn says and moves his stuff down a bunk.
"Are you guys ready?!" Bill yells.
All of the boys scream and shout and Bill yells.
The tour bus starts, and we start driving.
We all take snapchats and post them on our story, of us starting tour.
I post a picture of the boys and I outside of the bus on Instagram, we took it before we left.
I captioned it, making memories @jackaverymusic @jonahmarais @corbynbesson @imzachherron @seaveydaniel

Likes and comments start rolling in.
It was the first picture I've posted with them, we haven't announced Jack and I dating.

@username1: i heard she's dating Jack
@username2: what a slut
(sorry for language)
@seaveydaniel: HECK YEAH
@jackaverymusic: ❤️❤️
@username3: @jackaverymusic are you guys dating?
@username4: ^^
@corbynbesson: ^^^
@laurenjones: @corbynbesson you're right next to me
@jonahmarais: tour is gonna be sick 🤘🏼
@imzachherron: i want chipotle right now

The hate comments really hurt, but I would have to get used to it.
Jack is sitting in the back of the bus and I was sitting at a table.
I walk to Jack and sit down, then start playing with his hair.
He kisses me cheek, "Are you excited?" He asks.
I nod. "Do you think we should announce us dating? Everyone is asking about it."
I show him the comments on my recent post.
"I see it all over the fan pages. They say they are happy for us if we are, they just don't want us to."

Jack's POV:

Lauren looks down at her phone after I say that.
I rub her back. "Are you okay?"
She drops her phone and runs into the bathroom.
I follow her and try opening the door, but it's locked.
"What's going on?" Corbyn asks.
"Hand me her phone." They all just stand there.
"Someone!" I half yell.
Jonah grabs her phone from the couch and hands it to me.
I look at the screen and she was reading a dm she got on instagram.

(sorry for language, i don't usually cuss in stories)

@username: i hope you and Jack don't work out, he is mine and you are just some slut he found in the trash. that's all you are, trash. you might as well just end your life right now because no one loves you so what's the point of your life. i hope you kill yourself, but no one will notice, or even care. bye bye.

I can't believe someone would say that to Lauren.
I hand the phone back to Jonah and the rest of the boys lean over to read the message with him.
"Lauren, please come out." I say.
The boys all looked shocked. They put the phone down, and Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach run over to the door with me.
Jonah clenches his fists, "They don't know what's coming for them."
"Jonah, calm down." Daniel shouts.
"I can't. Did you see what they said?!" He yells back louder.
"Dude, calm down. Now isn't the time to get mad. We have to help Lauren." I say and he comes over and puts his ear up to the door.
The rest of us do too, and I can hear her crying.
It breaks my heart to hear her like this.
A tear falls from my eye, as well as Daniel's.
"She's my best friend, nothing can happen to her." Daniel says.
"She's my girlfriend!" I yell.
Jonah starts getting mad again, and he paces to try and calm down.
All of a sudden, I hear the water running.

Lauren's POV:

I hear all the boys outside the door.
The dm was so mean, it made me realize that I don't have a reason to be living.
The only thing I am living for is Jack, he makes me so happy.
I'm sitting on the floor crying, and I can hear all the boys talking.
Jack yells and it stresses me out.
I find a bunch of different pills in the cupboard.
Some to help you sleep, anxiety, to calm down.
I turn on the sink and start taking the pills.
I finish the bottle that makes you sleep and pass out on the floor.

Jack's POV:

I hear a giant thud on the floor.
"We have to get in there!" I yell.
Zach runs to the front of the bus and gets the bathroom key.
I unlock the door and Lauren is on the floor.
Jonah picks her up and lays her on the couch in the back.
I stand there, frozen for a second. There a pill bottles. The sleeping pills are gone, she didn't take the other ones.
I run over to her, and start crying.
I run my fingers through her hair and the other boys stand above us.
"She took a bunch of sleeping pills, and just passed out I guess." I manage to get out.
"So she will be fine?" Corbyn asks.
I nod. "I hope so."
"She will just be sleeping for a while." Daniel adds.
Eben and August were sleeping. Lauren wouldn't want me to tell them.
"Don't tell anyone else on the bus ok? She will get embarrassed."
They all nod.
I lay with her for a while, and the boys start playing video games, still sitting near by just to make sure.
Then, she moved.

Slight cliffhanger?
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