Chapter 30

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Jack's POV:

We have the Nashville show tomorrow so I'm taking today to rest.
I sleep most of the day and think about Lauren, like usual.

Lauren's POV:

I miss Jack so much, and he thought he was kissing me to be fair.
I would do anything to be with him, and we can work things out. Can't we?
He didn't mean to do what he did.
I started thinking and finally thought of an idea.
I'll fly out to the Nashville show and surprise him!!
I'll tell him I forgive him and that I love him.
When I decide this, I book a flight and call Daniel, since i'm the closest with him and I tell him everything.
I facetime him, and he answers almost right away.

Daniel: What's up Lauren?
Lauren: Hey Daniel guess what?
Daniel: Hey you look better! And you're excited. what?
Lauren: You have to promise you won't tell ANYONE this. none of the other boys or anything
Daniel: Promise
Lauren: I've decided to forgive Jack
Daniel: That's great!
Lauren: I'm not done. I realized he didn't know he wasn't kissing me. But, tomorrow I'm flying out to the Nashville show and i'm gonna surprise him!
Daniel: Wow, I get to see you again too! He will love that, he's been so sad lately
Lauren: Trust me I have too. I miss him so much
Daniel: He misses you too. Well i'm heading for the gym, text me when you land and I'll come get you
Lauren: Ok thanks Dani. love you
Daniel: Love you too

We hang up the phone and I start jumping up and down.
I'm so excited to surprise him.
I've missed him so much.
After I'm done jumping, I run upstairs and start packing my suitcase.
My flight leaves tomorrow at 7:00am.
It was about 6:00pm right now so I order a pizza and take a shower and what not.
I eat dinner and then go on my phone while watching tv for the rest of the night.
I also plan out how I'm going to surprise him.

~Next Morning~

I wake up around 5 to start getting ready, and I leave for the airport at around 6:15am.
Once I get dressed for the day and everything, I take an Uber to the airport.
I do the normal airport stuff and get on the plane.
On the way there, I listen to Why Don't We and think.
I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about tonight.
When the plane is about to land, I text Daniel and he says he's on his way.
When we land, I go to baggage claim and wait for about 10 minutes until I see Daniel.
He's wearing light jeans and a green shirt with his checkered vans.
"Lauren!" He yells, making me turn my head.
"Daniel!" I yell back and run into his arms.
We hug for a little and then go back to the bus.
He puts me in my bunk and tells me to wait there until tonight.
Everyone is at soundcheck so I hang out around the bus.
I'm sitting on the couch when I hear the door open.
I run and jump into my bunk until I hear Christina's voice, and she's singing.
I jump out and say, "Woah you're BeautyChickee! Can I have an autograph?!"
She jumps back at first, until she realizes it's me.
She screams and hugs me. I laugh because when she hugged me, she tackled me onto the floor.
"Your back!" She yells.
"Don't tell anyone, but i'm surprising Jack because I realized I'm miserable without him. Only Daniel knows, so don't tell any of the other boys. Not even Corbyn."
"Fine, I won't. But yay! Your back!"
We hug again.
"What are you doing in here?" She asks after we pull away from the hug.
"Waiting for the show to start. I haven't figured out how I'm gonna surprise him."
We stay quiet for a minute until Christina yells, "Got it!"
I shush her and we laugh and she says sorry.
"Ok, you watch the show ya know like a normal fan, and at the end go backstage and say, 'That was an amazing show.' And he will turn around and be surprised. He'll be like, 'Lauren? What are you doing here?' And you'll tell him how you realized stuff and you want to be with him. You guys will kiss and make up."
I nod my head.
"Good idea. You really thought this through."
"I did, didn't I?"
We laugh.
"Want to go grab some starbucks before the show?" She asks.
"Sure." I grab my phone out of my bunk and we walk down the block to a Starbucks.
I get a drink and so does she, and we just sit and talk.
Her phone randomly goes off and she looks at me and smiles.
Oh no.
"What?" I ask.
"The show is about to start." She responds.
We get up and throw our drinks away, then start walking towards the venue.
Fans are going in, one by one.
Christina and I can get in anytime we want, and we are almost to the doors when I stop her.
She looks at me confused.
"What if he doesn't love me anymore?" I ask. "What if he's moved on to Jazmine, or doesn't want to get back together?"
Christina gives me a look that says, "Really?"
"Lauren, he's so in love with you. He's been so down since you left, he barely talks to anyone. Of course he wants to get back with you, don't worry about it." Christina hugs me and I thank her for the pep talk.
We get into the show, and Jazmine performs.
I roll my eyes and plug my ears the whole time, and Christina laughs at me.
She's finally done, and the boys come on....

I know this chapter is a little short, but I wanted a whole new chapter for what's going to happen next.
I hope you enjoyed!
Thank you so much for 2k reads!!❤️
I'll update soon:)

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