Chapter Two

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Daton sat in a chair beside his wife's bed and sifted through the mail he had brought from their house. 

"Your mother sent us a card. She sends you her love and says that she will be down for a visit in a few weeks."

Daton put down the card and looked over at Chivalry. Could tomorrow really make two months that she had been in a coma? She still looked the same. Same long, black hair, her skin was still white and soft with freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. Her lips were still full but no longer red in color. Instead they were pale, almost colorless. He knew behind her closed lids were the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen. He wondered if he would ever get to see them open again. 

"Hello Mr. Farefall."

He turned to see his wife's nurse, Hayllen, come into the room.

"Hello Hayllen. How are you today?"

"I'm doing just fine. I came to say hello to Mrs. Farefall and see how she is doing today."

"Alright. Well while you two visit I am going to go get some food."

"Good. You look like you could use a break. Mrs. Farefall and I will have a nice chat while you are gone. I will take good care of her so you just take your time and don't worry about a thing."

Hayllen smiled and Daton relaxed. There was something about her that calmed him. She was the only person he trusted to be alone with his wife.

"Okay then. See you both in a bit."

He went over and kissed his wife. "I love you. I will be back in a little while."

As soon as Daton left Hayllen pulled a syringe out of her pocket and injected the content into Chivalry's iv. 

"Your husband sure does love you. He's a really good man. It's too bad that you won't ever lay eyes on him again. You will understand one day."

With tears in her eyes she went to find Holland. She forgot all about promising to watch Daton's wife. She needed to have a long talk with her boss. 

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