Chapter Twenty Three

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Chivalry was having the time of her life. She had been to Antarctica, Hawaii, the Bahamas, Ireland, Australia, and was now on her way to Cairo, Egypt. 

Holland came up behind her and put his arms around her. They had just celebrated their one year anniversary last week. He couldn't believe that two years ago he had stole her from the hospital. They had come a long way. 

Chivalry sighed.

"Are you getting tired of traveling?"

"Absolutely not and don't you go getting any ideas. We still have another years worth of traveling to do."

"I know and we will. I was thinking South Africa, Italy, Germany, Greece, and Paris. What do you think?"

"I think that sounds wonderful."

She gave him a passionate kiss. "Why are you so good to me?"

"You are my heart. I just want you happy."

"I am very happy. Now lets go eat and you can tell me more about all the places we are going to visit."

Holland smiled and followed her to the dinning area.

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