Chapter Ten

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Holland was becoming more frustrated by the second. Chivalry was being absolutely unreasonable. She refused to leave her room and when he finally dragged her down the stairs she wouldn't look at him or answer any of his questions. 

"Chivalry darling you needed to come out of your room. I've tried giving you time and space but you ignoring me will not be tolerated."

Chivalry shot her chin in the air and decided the silent treatment was all that he deserved. 

"Sweetheart look at me. You are breaking my heart. You must know that I love you and want to take care of you. I have done nothing but prove that for the last three weeks. Why are you still giving me the cold shoulder?"

Chivalry was only halfway listening. Her mind was a jumbled mess. Must this man always try to force her to believe that they were married? All he ever did was talk and plead with her. She decided that if she did actually marry this man then she wasn't in her right state of mind when she did it. 

Holland grabbed a hold of her jaw and forced her to look at him. To her surprise his eyes were full of tears. "My love, we must talk to one another. Don't keep things bottled up inside. The only way we are going to move forward and get back to our life together is if we talk this out."

He let go of her and started pacing the room. His eyes were intense and he looked like a man on a mission. "Tomorrow we are going out. There is a wedding taking place in three days. He is one of my closest friends and has invited us to attend. You need a new dress, some jewelry, and some shoes. Hayllen will accompany you."

Chivalry was in a panic. She couldn't go anywhere with this man. What was she going to do? He was going to take her to a wedding and introduce her to people as his wife. 

She thought fast. Maybe if she went shopping with him she could escape. There was bound to be a lot of people around a shopping center. Maybe someone could help her escape.

With that plan settled she felt a little better. She gave Holland what she hoped was a dignified smile and suggested a game of cards. Holland was more than willing to comply. He kept a close watch on her though. Her quick mood change made him think she was up to something. 

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