Chapter Thirty

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Chivalry could hear Holland snoring. She slowly got out of the bed and changed out of her night gown. She placed a letter that she had wrote to Holland on his night stand, picked up her suitcase, and quietly tiptoed out of the room.

As soon as she shut the door her pace quickened. It was dark and hardly anyone was up. She quickly made it to where they kept the canoes. She picked the lock, grabbed a canoe and paddles, and lugged it to the side of the ship. 

She looked around. So far no one noticed her. She pulled out a rope she had found the other day. he tied one end to the railing and let the rest fall over the side. She then picked up the canoe, paddles, and suitcase and one by one threw them over the side. 

She glanced around one more time to make sure no one was around then grabbed the rope and began to propel herself down. At the end of the rope she still had a five foot drop. She took a deep breath and let go.

As soon as she surfaced she grabbed her paddles and suitcase and started swimming towards the canoe. As soon as she was settled she took a few deep breaths and started to paddle. She had a long night ahead of her.

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