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Cameron Amaya Butler ;
I wake up and start to get ready for school , today is the last day of school and also the last day of me being one of the greatest female basketball players in the state of Minnesota.

See my mom and dad thought it was a good idea to move to chino hills cause will be closer to my brother , Christian , he's going to ucla and everyone thinks he's gonna be a one and done because of how good he is , and my dad is hoping he gets drafted , because then my dad will be able to play his son in basketball .

You see my dad , Jimmy butler plays for Minnesota but when my dad has a game coming up he'll be flying to Minnesota for practices and games .

My mom , India Westbrook-butler , she's a blogger and is originally from Cali , so she told my dad she missed it and boom here we are about to move to Cali once Christian gets his diploma .

As I finished getting dressed , i go to my brothers room and start to annoy him .

"Bubba get up. " I say and bounce on him .

"Cameron get off me ." He says and turns over .

"No today's the last day of school and the last day you'll get to see your friends so get up ugly ." I say and he gets up which causes me to fall.

"I'll be in my room looking for a different outfit knock on my door when your done. " I say and leave his half empty room and go to my almost empty room.

As I find an outfit I like I here a knock on my door .

"Come in ." I say and I see my mom .

"Hey baby girl ." She smiles and sits on my bed .

"Hey mom ." I say looking at my outfit .

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I know your mad at me but you'll do big things in chino hills I promise ." She says and I look at her and kiss her cheek .

"I love you too mom ." I say and start to fix my outfit again.

"Aye you ready ugly ."Christian says busting in my room .

"Good morning mom ." He says and kisses her cheek and she gets up .

"Good morning. "She says and walks downstairs.

As I was satisfied with my outfit I get my mcm bag and walk downstairs with Christian.

"Alright dad we out ." Christian says and they do there handshake (There hand shake is when it's on 1:08 in the video )

"Alright daddy love you see you after school ." I say and we do our hand shake (there hand shake is when the video gets to 1:10)

As we get to school i see Taylor .

"Hey bitch !" She yells and I hug her .

"Ima miss ya bitch ." She adds and hugs me and we walk to class .

As we were in class I start to Snapchat everyone .

"All y'all hoes are ugly and y'all about to get y'all ass whooped in 2k so pass me the sticks." I say and start playing 2k .

As 3rd period came around we had to go to the Auditorium for sport awards .

"Hello Spartans today we are doing our sport awards , so the first sport that will be doing is football , coach Simmons will be announcing the awards for all football teams ." Our principle , Mrs.Lens says .

As coach was done announcing jv, he gets started with varsity .

"For best defender Is Christian Butler ." He says and the whole gym goes wild even the teachers and Chris gets up from sitting with his friends and does his hand shake with coach Simmons and takes a picture with the award .

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