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Cameron Amaya
I wake up with melo's arms wrapped around me , so I try to get out of bed and immediately fall to the ground .

"Ouch. " I groan .

"Are you okay?" Melo asks still laying down .

"I can't walk babe ." I tell him and he sits up and smirks .

"Daddy had to put that dick inside you ." He says and i start to laugh .

"Babe look at your back. " I say as he turns around in the mirror and looks at his back .

"Damn Cameron , was you trynna take my bones ." He laughs at his back.

"Sorry baby ." I say and he kisses me .

"It's fine I just gotta keep my shirt on for a while ." He smiles and picks me up and kisses me and sets me on my dresser and starts to kiss my neck , but we get interrupted by my phone going off and I see Markelle calling .

"Why he calling you ?" He asks me.

"I don't know?" I say and answer the call.

Call starts .

Markelle 🏀:Aye Cam

Cameron 🤤🏀:What's up?

Markelle🏀: nothing was trynna see if you wanted to go to the rec today

Cameron 🤤🏀:Awe Crap I wish kelle but yesterday dc had a beach party and I have a major headache right now

Markelle🏀: Awe damn well get better ma I'll talk to you tomorrow

Cameron 🤤🏀:Alright.

As I hang up i see melo getting dressed .

"You wanna come with me to my house?" He asks .

"Babe my legs hurt , i can barely walk and your brothers and parents are home , I'll pass ." I smile and kiss him .

"Alright well I'll call you when I get home ." He says and kisses me and I kiss him again and he walks downstairs and leaves .

Right now , my parents and brother just got home and I'm trying to hide all these hickies on my neck and thighs .

"Cameron !" I hear my mom call me , so I slowly get out of bed and try my best to walk down the stairs normally.

"What's wrong with you ?" Chris asks me .

"Nothing , you needed something mom?" I say .

"Yeah what's this big red spot on your bed sheet ? " she asks me , fuck I'm caught.

"I started my lady thing and I'm guessing I was bleeding that bad. " I lie and she nods and puts it in the washer .

"How was don's party ?" Chris asks me .

"Good but ima go upstairs now ." I smile and walk upstairs on to my room and lay down and scroll through my Instagram feed .


ThaBaddieJay || Pretty Gang On Lock 😻🤘🏾

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ThaBaddieJay || Pretty Gang On Lock 😻🤘🏾

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As I continue scrolling I see that don posted a picture of me and him .


Dcthedon || Since it's national bestfriend appreciation day , i gotta post this little thot 🦁💜

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Dcthedon || Since it's national bestfriend appreciation day , i gotta post this little thot 🦁💜

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As I was smiling at the picture my mom pops her head in my room .

"Hey baby girl can we talk ?" She asks me and I nod.

"Yeah sure what's up mom ." I smile and she closes the door and sits on my bed .

"This must be serious." I say .

"Yes baby girl it is I have a question and I want you to be honest with me okay and I promise I won't tell your dad ." She says and I look at her .

"Are you and melo having sex ?" She asks , What the fuck do I do ? Do i tell her the truth ? Do i lie ?

"No , why you think that ?" I ask her .

"Cameron your not being honest ." She says.

"Okay, yes mom we had sex yesterday for the first time . " I say .

"Did you guys use protection ?" She asks me.

"Is it bad that we didn't ?" I say .

"CAMERON AMAYA , i thought I taught you better then that , you know how many dieases you can catch from having unprotected sex , now I'm not saying melo has a Diease or anything but Cameron you can get pregnant and you will not be able to play ball anymore. " she explains to me .

"I know mom I'm sorry ." I tell her .

"Be smarter next time Cameron. "She says and gets up and leaves and I just lay there and think about how i want my senior to go , and I slowly drift off to a sleep .

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