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First day of school ;
Cameron Amaya
I wake up so excited , today is the first day of my senior year , as I get out of bed i check my phone and see kelle called me last night so I call him while I start to do my hair .

Call starts.

Markelle✔🏀:Yes baby girl?

Cam🍑👅:You called me last night ?

Markelle✔🏀: Yeah I was finna take you out to eat .

Cam🍑👅:I'm sorry I was asleep .

Markelle✔🏀:it's okay ma , but I'll call you later .

Cam🍑👅: Alright.

Call ends .

As I hang up , I text melo to let him know that I'm up . Melo and I are starting to be honest with each other , he told me he never wants me to lie to him and I haven't and I hope he's done the same , But I haven't told him about me and markelle being friends , cause everyone knows melo with his over protective and possessive ass .

As I finished doing my hair , i start to get dress .

As I finished doing my hair , i start to get dress

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(A/N: Cameron's outfit)

As I finished getting dress I walk downstairs and see melo and don waiting outside for me .

"Damn girl you take forever ." Don says and I flick him off and get in the front .

"I've missed you. " Melo smiles at me and kisses my head.

"Aye so what did y'all do when y'all left the party Saturday?" Don asks us and melo smirks.

"I had a headache ." I say.

"Lieing ass melo was in them cheeks huh ?" Don says and melo starts to laugh .

"Don shut up and sit back ." I say annoyed .

As we get to school we walk in and meet up with the school .

"Hey thot thot ." Jäkiyä says and hugs me .

"Hey ." I smile and hug the rest of the girls .

"Yoo we got a new boy ." Demiyah says and we turn our head and I see the new kid . (the picture in the top is him .)

"Id fuck him ." Jay says and I start laughing .

"Bitch you nasty ." I laugh as we look at him .

"I'm finna go talk to him. " Jay says and gets up and walks and goes and talks to the boy and comes back .

"His name is jaydon keys , and he's a senior , and he's 6'8 ." Jay tells us and we laugh and I see him looking at us while I look at my schedule.

As I walk to my first period I realize I have none of my friends , or boyfriend in this got damn class .

As I was scrolling on my phone , i see a figure standing over me .

"Can I help you?" I ask not taking my eyes off this intense 8 ball game in playing with don .

"Is this seat taken ?" The guy from earlier asks me .

"Nope." I say and he sits by me .

"I'm jaydon ." He says and I smile .

"Cameron but you can call me cam ." I say and continue to play my game .

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks me and I look at him a laugh .

"Yeah , you may know him his names lamelo ball ." I smile .

"I forgot that nigga go here, me and my team played against the big ballers this summer and ate them up , I don't remember seeing there ." He says with a smirk .

"I was in Vegas playing at my basketball tournament. " I tell him .

"Oh you ball ?" He says and I nod .

"I thought you'd be a cheerleader with you being all cute and stuff ." He says and I laugh and the bell rings and I walk to my next class period .

As lunch finally came , i was so hungry .

"Yooo I'm so fucking hungry ." I say as I eat my chick-fil-a nuggets , fries , and chicken sandwich .

"Cameron you just ate last period ." Leilani says and I roll my eyes at her and continue eating .

"Attitude." Jay says as she eats her fries .

"Fuck off ." I say and melo and the guys come to the table .

"Yoo that nigga jaydon goes here now ?" Don says as they sit down .

"Yeah. " Quan says .

"Why ? Like my guy go the fuck back to your old school , the hills only creates winners. " don says .

"He's actually pretty sweet ." I say and melo stops eating and looks at me .

"You talked to him ?" He asks .

"Yeah ." I say .

"Oooh melo you better handle that. " O says and I look at him .

"Stay away from him ." Melo says .

"Why ?" I ask .

"Jaydon is the type of guy to finesse yo girl ." Andre says .

"Okay and what that got to do with me ." I say .

"JUST STAY AWAY FROM HIM CAMERON FUCK ." He yells and gets up and leaves.

"Someone's on there period ." Jay says and I get up and follow melo .

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask him .

"Nothing you just don't listen ." He says.

"Okay whatever melo. " I say and I walk back to the table and melo does the same.

"So what did y'all do after don's party?" Demiyah asks us .

"They fucked ." Don blurts out and I push him off his seat .

"Cameron your not a virgin , I'm so shocked ." Jay says sarcastically and I hide my face in lamelo's neck and I hear them laugh .

As lunch was over , i get up and run to the bathroom and throw up.

"You good cam?" D asks me .

"I don't feel good ." I say and walk to the nurse.

As of right now the nurse is calling my mom , i have a fever , which is weird because I've never been sick in my life and I was just feeling fine .

As my mom comes and gets me she immediately takes me to my doctor.

"Hey Cameron how's basketball going ?" He asks me .

"Good ." I smile .

"Great well I'm just gonna check you to make sure your okay ." He says and starts to feel my belly and back .

"Lay down ." He says and I do as told and he puts some stuff on my belly and looks .

"Have you had your period yet?" He asks me .

"No sir , i should start it next week ." I tell him .

"Have you had sex ?" He asks me .

"Yes sir ." I tell him and he checks my tempture .

"Well I don't see anything in her belly , so she's not pregnant, but go home and get a lot of rest okay. " he tells me and I nod and me and my mom head home and I go to my room and fall asleep.

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-Zoe ||

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