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Next day ;
Cameron Amaya
I wake up to the sound of my dad waking me up telling me it's my first day of school , and I'm a little sad , I'm not starting my junior year with my best friend , but at least I get to start school with my boyfriend .

As I finally get out of bed i walk to my bathroom take a shower and do my make up and get dress .

As I finally get out of bed i walk to my bathroom take a shower and do my make up and get dress

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(A/N:Cameron's outfit )

As I finally get done get dress I walk downstairs and my mom takes me to school .

As I walk in the school , i go to the front office and get my schedule .

"Hello sweetheart how may I help you ? " the lady at the desk asks me .

"Im here to get my schedule." I smile .

"What's your name ?" She smiles .

"Cameron Amaya Butler. " I tell her and she hands me my schedule and I walk to the cafeteria and sit at an empty table.

As I was scrolling through my phone I see a guy sit in front of me .

"Hey ." The guy says and I look up and smile .

"Hi ." I say .

"You must be Cameron ." He says .

"Yeah how'd you know?" I smile.

"I read your necklace , and I mean you are in the top 3 for being one of the best female basketball players in the world. " he tells me and I smile , did i mention I got back in the top 3 for basketball .

"I'm jay.  " he says and I smile . (A/N:The picture in the top is jay )

"Nice to meet you ." I say.

"So what grade you in ?" He asks and I nod .

"Im a junior ." I smile .

"Let me see your schedule." He says and I give it to him and he looks at it .

"We have 2nd , 3rd , and Athletics together ." He tells me and we continue talking , until I see melo and his friends walk in .
Melo ball
As me and the guys walk in I see Cameron talking to jay , the varsity quarterback .

"Aye melo look like someone's finna finesse yo girl ." Phaquan says and I walk over to them .
Cameron Amaya
As we were talking about sports I found out he plays football .

"Yeah our first game is this Friday, you should come ?" He tells me .

"She can't we got something to do Friday right bae ?" I hear melo say .

"Umm I don't know , but it was nice talking to you jay I'll see you in second period. " I smile .

"Alright. " he smiles and I walk away with melo to his table.

"Why were you talking to him ?" He asks me .

"He just came up to me and talked to me , he's really chill ." I tell melo .

"I don't want you talking him ." He tells me .

"Why ?" I ask him .

"Cause I said so ." He says and I roll my eyes at him and he starts to talk to his friends .

As the first bell rings me and melo walk to class we have all classes together except 2nd and 3rd period .

As we get in class me and melo sit in the back with his friends and I just listen to the teacher while she talks .

As of right now the teacher wanted us to get in a group of 5 .

"Aye melo you with us ." Don says .

Melo , don , Quan , O , and Will were all together meaning I would have to look for some people .

"Hey you !" A girl with thick curly hair and light brown eyes call me .

"You can be in our group ." she says and I get up and walk to her and her group.

"Okay guys , y'all are in these groups because y'all are going to get to know each other , because we have some new faces so you guys may begin ." The teacher says .

"Well I'm gonna introduce the crew first." The same girl from earlier says .

"My name is jäkiyä , that's Jay , leilani , and demyiah ." She says.

"Im Cameron." I smile and we all continue to get to know each other.

These girls are really chill .

As 1st period was over I grab my back pack and me and melo start to walk away until I see jay .

"Hey lamelo ." She smiles at lamelo and he waves .

"But the girls wanted to know if you wanted to sit with us at lunch ?" She asks me .

"Yeah ." I smile .

"Okay I'll see you in athletics ." She says and melo walks me to my 2nd period .

"Alright bae , I'll see you after this period is over ." He tells me .

"How bae ?" I ask him .

"Cause ima walk you to class now give me a kiss ." He says and I do .

"Really melo ." A girl says and we break apart and walks in class .

"Who's that ?" I ask .

"My ex , Jasmine. " he says and I get a little jealous .

"Oh , well get to class bye ." I say and walk inside my class and see jay sitting in the back so I walk over to him .

"Is this seat taken ?"I smile .

"Nah ." He says and I sit down and we basically do the same thing we did in 1st period .

As 3rd period came around , me and Jay were about to walk out the class until I see melo .

"Hey babe ." He says and kisses me in front of jay.

"Babe go to class before your late ." I say and kiss him and me and Jay walk to 3rd .

As school finally came to an ending I actually had some friends .

As I was waiting in the front for my mom , melo and his friends walk out .

"Hey baby ." He smiles and kisses me .

"Hello ." I smile .

"Who coming to get you ?" He asks me .

"My mom ." I tell him .

"Aye y'all go ahead I'll catch up with y'all later ." He tells his friends and they do there hand shake and leave .

"Ima wait until your mom gets here ." He tells me .

As my mom pulls up , melo opens my door and I get in .

"Hey Mrs. Butler ." He says to my mom as I put on my seatbelt .

"I'll see you tomorrow text me when you get home okay ." He says and kisses my head and me and my mom go home .

As I get home i take a bath and go to sleep , this day has been tiring .

|| Why do y'all think melo's so protective over Cameron when she's talking to jay ? Comment and let me know 3 votes ||

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