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4 months ;
Cameron Amaya
As of right now me and my team are at practice , we going to state once again mother fuckers .
The guys are going again this year and I'm so proud of them .
Me and Melo are growing strong , he's actually like my best friend now , he's my boyfriend and best friend what more could I ask for.

As of right now we're running a suicide for one of the girls being late .

"Y'all better run yalls asses off ." I announce and the coach laughs .

"Y'alls time starts now ." The coach yells and we gotta finish our suicide in 10 seconds and me and demiyah are racing each other to be the first ones back .

"Aye y'all sprint jump to the line if y'all have to ." I yell as we get back and they all finish in time and we huddle up .

"Aye good job today ladies , tomorrow y'all better be here by 3:35 am if y'all aren't y'all are getting left in the state of California and will not be going with us to state ." Coach announced .

"Alrigh cam break your team . " she tells me .

"Lady huskies on three , 1...2...3 , Lady huskies ." We yell .

Before we go in the locker room we all decide to take a picture , i can't believe , I'm finna graduate in a couple of months , and then be attending to ucla with my boyfriend.

As we take the picture I post it on Instagram.


LitLikeCam || last basketball practice of my senior year , damn where does the time go @DemiyahTheballer 🤘🏾

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LitLikeCam || last basketball practice of my senior year , damn where does the time go @DemiyahTheballer 🤘🏾

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As I go in the locker room and change , i walk outside and see melo and run to him and he catches me .

"I missed my baby ." I say as he holds me .

"I've missed you too , ma ." He says and kisses me .

"Did you drive?" He asks and I shake my head no and we get in his car and go and get something to eat but my song by Beyonce comes on .

"Hold up they don't love you like , i love you. " I sing to melo and he laughs and parks and we walk inside canes and order and start to eat .

"Omg can i get a picture with y'all . " a girl asks and we nod and take a picture with her and she leaves .

As we got done eating we head to my house .

"Good luck tomorrow baby , and don't rush your shots ." He tells me .

"Okay babe ." I smile and kiss him .

"Love you Mr. Ball. " I smirk and get out of the truck and he smiles and drives off .

As I get inside I say hi to my parents and pack my bag for the morning .

"Hey baby girl come here real quick. " my dad says and I run downstairs .

"Yes daddy ?" I smile .

"Have you decided what school you going to ?" He asks me .

"Yeah ." I smile .

"What school ?" He asks me .

"UCLA ." I smile and he high fives Me .

"That's my girl ." He smiles and I go back upstairs and I FaceTime melo .

Call starts .

Princess👑🏀🌎: Baby

Daddy 👅😏🏀:Yes ma (he's driving )

Princess👑🏀🌎:Are you driving ?

Daddy👅😏🏀:Yes .

Princess👑🏀🌎: Call me when you get home love you.

Daddy👅😏🏀: love you too.

Call ends .

As I hang up i decide to scroll on Twitter and see markelle tweeted something.

MarkelleF: I fell in love with her , when she let me hit it 👅

As I read that I don't pay attention to it , i just keep scrolling and see a video of me and melo on a fan account .

Cameronxmelo: They are so cute broo @MeloD1P @CamxBaby

I smile and like the video and melo FaceTimes me .

Call starts .

Daddy 👅😏🏀:Hey baby .

Princess👑🌎🏀:Hey babe .

Daddy👅😏🏀:What you doing ?

Princess👑🌎🏀:Nothing I was on Twitter looking at cam accounts .

Daddy👅😏🏀:You need to go to bed you know you don't like to get up .

Princess👑🌎🏀:I know but I was gonna tell you my jackets in your car .

Daddy👅😏🏀:You mean my jacket .

Princess👑🌎🏀:Our jacket but I needed it for tomorrow .

Daddy👅😏🏀:Well we gotta go to the school tomorrow at the same time as y'all so we can head to state so I'll just give it to you in the morning now go to sleep .

Princess👑🌎🏀:Okay give me kisses first .

Daddy👅😏🏀: (makes a kissy face ) go to sleep (he turns off his lights and puts his phone by his window and closes his eyes )

Princess👑🌎🏀: ( does the same and falls asleep)


As they both fall asleep , all you could hear were there loud snores , as melo dreamed about Cameron , and Cameron dreamed about melo.  These two were meant to be .

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-Zoe ||

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