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Cameron Amaya
As I was doing the clock I see markelle fultz walk in and I low-key start freaking out .

"Coach look ." I say and she looks to where I'm pointing and she smiles .

"I guess that means y'all really gotta win ." She smiles and playfully nudges me.

As of right now me and my team are warming up in the hallway .

"Aye let's huddle up ." I say and we do and we bow our heads as demyiah prays .

"Aye look ladies , we came a long way and we not going home without that state championship trophy , y'all we've worked so damn hard and for the seniors on this team , y'all work yalls ass off cause I've heard a state championship on yalls college applications will look so got damn good ." I say and they laugh .

"But for real all jokes aside I really do love y'all all and I know For sure we goin win if we keep doing what we been doing , this is our got damn sport y'all we got this ." I smile and they all look at each other.

"Now let's get a break ." I say and we put our hands in the middle .

"Lady huskies on 3 lady huskies on me ." I yell .

"1...2...3...Lady huskies." we yell and walk in the gym and start warming up.

As the girls went to the bench the the announcer announces the lady huskies opponent .

As the announcer for done announcing the opponent he starts to announce the ladys.

"At 6'0 and a post for the lady huskies give it up for Amaya laster ." He says and Amaya runs out on the floor half fives her coach and her team mates .

"Now The point guard of the lady huskies standing at 5'3 , Jimmy butlers daughter , Cameron Butler. " he announced and Cameron runs out on the court half fives her coach and does her hand shakes with her team mates and hits the folks and waves at the people in the stands .

As the game begins the lady huskies have the ball first and Cameron is coming down the court.

"LA Lavish." She calls out the play and the girls get in there positions and Cameron throws up an assist and Amaya dunks it .

"Green bean chicken nuggets ." Cameron yells and gets in defense .

As the opponent was coming down the court Cameron knocked the ball out of her hand and ran down the court and did a lay up .

"Snipergangkodak !" Lamelo laughs and his friends and brothers laugh at him.

As the other team has the ball the girl tries to do a lay up and Cameron blocks it and passes it to demyiah and demyiah passes it to Kelli and Kelli passes it back to Cameron and Cameron shoots a 3 that lamelo taught her and once it goes in the basket , She holds up a 1 and blows a kiss and hustles back down the court .

As coach Olivia calls a time out the girls take a seat on the bench and listens to there coach .

"Y'all are doing really good ladies we are up by 20 points but ladies they can easily catch up , keep doing what y'all doing and Cameron where you learn how to shoot that left hand 3 ?" Coach Olivia asks Cameron .

"Lamelo ." She says and the girls say

"Aww ." And Cameron starts blushing.

As they start the game back up Cameron has the ball and starts to cross up the girl who's guarding her.

(A/n:She crossed up the girl like the guy did in 1:22 .)

"Oh shit!" Chris screams as he sees his little sister cross up the girl in front of her , and everyone in the stands go wild .

"Number one my ass , I'm getting my spot back ." Cameron thinks.

As of right now it's 4th quater and Cameron has excalty 92 points.

"Melo yo girl trynna be like you ." Don says and melo laughs .

As they have 2 seconds until the game ends Cameron runs down the court trying her best to get another point , so she passes the ball and Kelli passes it back to her and Cameron hits the buzzer beater and the crowd goes wild and runs out on the court and picks Cameron up .

Cameron Amaya
As I hit the buzzer beater everyone runs out on the court and picks me up .

"Yooo we did it ." I say and smile and hold up the trophy .

As they put me down me and the girls start to walk to the locker room until I get stopped by a couple of interviewers.

"Cameron how does it feel to win state ?" One says .

"Good ." I smile .

"How do you feel knowing your now the number 1 female basketball player ?" Another asks me .

"It feels great but I couldn't do it without my team. " I say .

"One more question and then Cameron has to go ." My coach says.

"Were you trying to get 94 points ?" The reporter asks me .

"No not really I was just trynna get the ball in the hoop and it just happened to fall in each time I shot so I thank God for that. " I smile and me and my coach walk to the locker room .

As we walk in my team mates all start clapping.

"Yooo we did it thanks to ms.cameron ." Amaya says .

"Nah y'all we did it because we all played a part out there we all worked hard and the outcome was beautiful I love y'all . " I say and they aww.

"The MVP award goes to Ms.Cameron Amaya . " my coach says and hands me the trophys.

As I walk out the gym , i see my dad , my mom , my brother , and the guys .

"Aye Cam someone wants to meet you. " my dad says and I see markelle talking to my brother .

"Oh my gosh !" I say and he laughs and hugs me .

"You did really good out there today ." He tells me .

"Thank you so much ." I smile and hug him again and we take a picture and he leaves .

"You did good today baby ." Melo smiles and kisses my head .

"Thank you. " I said hugging Everyone .

"The causes for a celebration ." Don yells and we all laugh and head back to the hotel room .

I'm glad that we won , i proved to everyone that I can do it and I'm not just some basketball players daughter I'm my own person and I work my ads off to be where I am .

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Zoe ||

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