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||Double update ||
Friday ;
Cameron Amaya
Today's me and melo's date and we've gotten closer this week .

As I get out of bed i walk downstairs and sit and talk with my mom .

"Hello my mother ." I smile and pay on her as she's watching tv in the living room .

"Hello my beautiful , How'd you sleep ?" She asks me .

"Good but mom I gotta tell you something ." I tell her and she gives me her full attention .

"What's up ?" She smiles and I sit up and face her .

"So you know how I met don's friends and stuff ." I tell her and she nods .

"So when i met them , i met this boy named melo and I got this weird feeling in my stomach when I talked to him , but it was like a good feeling ." I tell her .

"Isn't he the sophomore that got 92 points in a game ?" She asks and I nod .

"So do you like him ?" She asks me and I hide my face in a pillow .

"Aww your first crush ." She says excitedly .

"Mom stop !" I yell with a laugh and she smiles .

"Okay I'm sorry you can continue. " She says .

"But I told him I was real focused on basketball and us both being basketball players he was like i understand and stuff like that ." I tell her .

"But last week when me and christian got back from that party , we were playing pool and we made a deal that if I won then me and him would stay friends But if he won then I'd have to go our with him today so me being confident and stuff said bet and ended up losing ." I tell her and she claps .

"Good cause if you like him , you can't control it and I know you'll find a way to balance you guys relationship and basketball ." She tells me and i laugh .

"Mom were not dating , I'm just going on a date with him and will see where it goes from there . " I tell her .

"Well what time is he coming to get you and where are y'all going ?" She asks me .

"6 and dave and busters ." I tell her .

"Go get dressed , we're going shopping ." She says and I get up and walk upstairs.

India Westbrook-butler

As Cameron walks upstairs I get off the couch and go to the work out room where Christian and My husband were working out .

As I walk in there jamming to a lot of drake .

"Babe ." I say walking in front of him and he pauses the music .

"Yes baby. " he replies .

"Me and Cameron are going to the mall ." I tell him .

"Why ?" He says continuing to do chin ups .

"Cause She has a date tonight ." I tell him and Christian drops the bar .

"With who ?" Christian asks .

"Lamelo ball ." I reply to him .

"Ight I'll let it slide ." He says and goes back to doing power cleans .

"Cameron needs to be focused on basketball not no date ." Jimmy tells me.

"Babe she's 15 years old , it's about that time for her to start dating and liking boys . " I tell him .

"See this is why she's in the top 5 now India , we got to chino hills and you got soft on her ." He tells me .

"Babe you've been hard on her all her life ." I tell him .

"How ?" He asks .

"Well for one you had the girl start school early , and had her playing basketball when she was 2 ." I tell him .

"India if she wants to be the best she has to work her ass off and you not helping me make her be the best by babying her ." He tells me .

"Jimmy she's 15 and really likes this boy and your way to hard on her , yes she was ranked the number one female basketball player in her class , and yes she dropped down to number 5 , when we moved , but shit happens Jimmy , you being hard on her is only gonna piss her off more and make her not wanna play ball anymore. " I tell him .

"Okay fine India , but she better start working hard at our workouts , tell yo little friend that and , so help me God she drops down to number 6 , I'm shutting all this shit down ." He says handing me the card and kissing me.

"I'll make sure to tell her . " I tell him and walk out the gym so they can continue to work .

Christian Greg

As my mom walked out of the work out room I start to work on my push ups .

"So who's this lamelo kid ?" My dad asks me .

"He's that one sophomore that scored 92 points in a game ." I tell him.

"Have you met him ?" My dad asks .

"Yeah , I'm friends with his brothers , Lonzo and Gelo ball ." I tell him .

"Oh lonzo's brother ... Wait the one with the beard , aww hell nah !" My dad yells .

"No dad that's gelo , lamelo is the one who can't dunk ." I say and my dad yells .

"Ohhh ." He says and stops working out .

"Find out his next basketball game and we goin go watch him , she can't be dating no lame ." My dad says and I nod and we continue to put in that work .

Lamelo ball

As of right now me , my brothers , and Eli are talking about my date tonight .

"So where you taking her ?" Zo asks me .

"Dave and busters ." I say playing 2k with Eli.

"Yoo you can take my car but I swear you wreck my truck my nigga I'm beating yo ass. " Zo tells me.

"Thanks bro bro ." I say .

"What time you getting her bro ?" Gelo asks me .

"6 ." I tell him .

"Aye bro I'd go get a cut if i was yo ugly ass." Zo says .

"You goin take me ?" I ask .

"Yeah I'll take yo ugly ass. " he says and we all get up and walk downstairs and outside to his truck and I go get a cut .

"So you goin ask her to be your girlfriend tonight or ?" Zo asks .

"I don't know should I?" I ask them while I get a cut .

"Do you like her that much?" Gelo asks .

"Yeah she so bad and call ball and damn she just ." I say thinking about her .

"Well there you go , you dumb ass nigga , you ask her tonight ." Eli says and my brothers laugh .

"How do I ask her tho ?" I ask them .

"Be like look shawty I'm feeling you and you feeling me so you trynna be together ." Gelo says and we all laugh .

"Don't listen to him , just be like you trynna be my girlfriend cause I'm feeling you , but only if the dates going good , and turn off your phone ." Zo tells me and I nod listening to him .

As we get back to the house I see it's 4 so I start to look for an outfit and take a shower , got damn I'm nervous .


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