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Cameron Amaya
I wake up to the sound of lamelo snoring , while he's laying on my chest , i can really get use to this .

"Bae get up ." I whisper .

"5 more mintues ." He says .

"Bae get up i gotta go brush my teeth ." I tell him and he gets off of me and I go brush my teeth with the tooth brush he gave me last night .

As I get back he's on his phone and so I hit him with a pillow and we start playing .

(A/n:pretend That's melo and Cameron play fighting )

"Melo stop ." I say .

"Nah you started it ." He says and I laugh and we start play fighting on his bed .

"Melo!" I yell as he picks me up and slams me on his bed .

"Back yo ass up ." I tell him and he laughs and picks me up and puts me on the bed and kisses me and I wrap my legs around him and we go back to play fighting .

"Melo stop ." I yell as he hits me with the pillow.

"No." He laughs and I start laughing and I tackle him on the bed.

"Aye y'all we finna go get - What happened in here ?"Zo asks us and we start laughing .

"What I was finna say was we finna go get something to eat y'all coming ?"He asks us .

"Yeah ." We say .

"Well we leaving in an hour , so y'all get ready ." He tells us and leaves .

As he leaves we start to put his room back together.

"Pick this up. " I tell him and he slaps my ass hard .

As the room was finally clean lamelo hands me another tee and some tights that say 'big baller brand ' on the side .

"Damn bae you looking good part two ." lamelo Snapchats and I laugh and we walk downstairs with the guys and head out to eat .

As we were out eating lamelo starts stealing my fries .

"Stop ugly ." I say and he starts laughing.

As we got done eating we walk outside .

"Aye bro I'll see y'all tomorrow ." Chris says to the guys .

"Bye bae ." Melo says and kisses my head and I kiss his cheek .

"Bye baby." I say and walk to Christians car and we head home .

As we get home i go to my room and scroll through Instagram and come across a picture of me and melo .


Melo||I for real thought she was on her phone until she sent me this pic 💀🏀💕

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Melo||I for real thought she was on her phone until she sent me this pic 💀🏀💕

Chris:Her toes ugly boy 💀

Zo:@Chris you wrong b 💀


Eli_scott0:Why her toes look like she been hooping with them her whole life 😭💀

Chris:Yoooo Eli wildin 😭😭😭💀💀

LitLikeCam:@Eli_Scott0 Eli why can't we see you in the dark the world will never know 💀

Melo:Damn bae @eli_scott0 she flamin yoo asss

Zo:@LitLikeCam Damn broo y'all gotta stop I'm dieing 😭😭💀

Gelo:Facts yooo 💀💀

Chris:You goin get off my nigga cam💀💀💀

As I read those I start dieing and start to watch t.v. and slowly fall asleep .

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-zoe ||

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