Chapter fourteen: The Abuse

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A few more days past by, Elora and Gab still haven't spoken and Gab won't reply Shawn's texts. He was getting quite worried. He was worried she won't talk to him ever again. Magon was in a few days and the girls still hadn't taken the plane to New Jersey. They all got ready and all met up at the airport. Jan and Daggs were talking to Elora but Gab just sat down, didn't say hi or nothing. It was time to take the plane to Toronto. Elora sat with Jan and Gab sat with Daggs. Surprisingly the girls didn't see Shawn once in Toronto. Maybe he had already taken the plane, the one before them that is. Once in Jersey, Matt picked the girls up to bring them to the hotel. Gab and Daggs shared a room, Jan and Elora an other one.

Nat: Uh! I'm so jet lagged!

Gab: Really! I'm not!!!

Nat: Really? You look kinda pale.. Are you sure you're ok?

Gab: Uh.. no... I'm still a little upset about Shawn, I miss him. His cuddles.

Nat: Yeah, I know, it sucks.. But don't u like Sam?

Gab: Yeah! *she said blushing*

Gab was at the point that she really wanted to go out with Sam. She found him irresistible. Even more so that he still likes her. She wants to go talk to him but she doesn't know how to tell him. About 30 minutes went by, everyone unpacked and settled down. They all headed over to Shawn's room to chill. Gab decides to talk to Sam,

Gab: Hey Sam?

Sam: Yeah!

Gab: Can I talk to you?

Sam: Sure. *they head out to the hallways*

Gab: So umm.. As you may know, Shawn and I are no longer and item.

Sam: Yeah! *he said raising his hopes*

Gab: Well, I've been doing lot's of thinking...

Sam: Yeah...

Gab: Well. I, really like you.


Gab: Yeah!

Sam picks her up by the waist and holds her closer to him and starts to kiss her. Then making out. She wraps her legs around his waist and as soon as she does, Shawn walks out on them. In the middle of a makeout session. He seemed sad, really sad But Gab didn't know why, well she does think he likes another girl all thought he made that up.

Gab: Shawn! *she said in shock*

Shawn: *sad* Oh, I see. I better go.

Gab: Shawn wait! *he was already gone*

Sam: I'm so sorry, Gab.

Gab: No! It's not your fault. *she said kissing his lips once again*

Sam: Wow! I had always imagined how that would feel.

Gab: It's only been a week since we know each other..

Sam: Haha what ever. You know what I mean!

Gab: *gives him a kiss*  Yea.. I love you?

Sam: Yeah, Love you too!

They walk back into the room and everyone is still talking and having fun. They held hands and everyone was wondering why.

Mahogany: Hey! What's up!

Sam: Welp..

Gab: Sam and I are now an item!

Mahogany: WHAT! What about Shawn?

Gab: I'd rather not talk about it.

Sam: Let's go.

They head out and walk into Sam's room. Sam undressed to change into his PJs right in front of her. She was "kinda" disgusted. She went into the bathroom to change but Sam forced her to change in front of him. She was very scared to know what he had planned for that night. Sam had a room to himself so it was kinda scary for her. She changed cuz she had no other option. She was very insecure about her body and only Shawn made her comfortable. Not Sam.

Gabby: Ok. I've changed, can I please go to the bathroom ALONE?

Sam: Fine, but it's the last time. We're a couple and we should be comfortable around each other

Gab: Uh, Ok? *she goes to the bathroom and comes back* So uh, I'm getting really tired, what are we gonna be doing anyways?

Sam: I don't quite know *he said with a dirty smirk*

Gab: Uhhh... oh, ok..

He hops up onto the bed... and motions her to him. She was really scared and was starting to really miss Shawn. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer and started necking her. She got really scared so she pushed him away. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She texted Nash to come and help. Nash was the only one she could think of. Nash wanted to bring Elora so he did. But they came a little to late, Sam broke down the door and started to beat Gab up. He threw her across the room causing her to bang into stuff and hurting her really badly. By the time Nash and Elora came to the rescue, Gab was bleeding, full of bruises and crying on the floor. Elora was so mad at Sam and so she knocked him out. Nash came to Gab to tell her calm her down. He picked her up bridal style to get her out of there. He was yelling for help and everyone was trying to get help. Taylor got Bart, Jack G got Danny and Aaron got a nurse. Nash laid Gab onto the hallway floor to help her breath.

Elora: Gab? Gab are you ok? Gab talk to me!! *she said crying*

Gab: Wh-what h-happ-pened?

Nash: Sam abused you...

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