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Chapter Two

(n.) a blank space; a missing part

"I love it." Yoongi said, running his hand through his newly dyed reddish-orange hair.

Earlier that day, something had just compelled him on a whim to dye it. He was tired of his plain jet-black hair, and the idea of a fiery new color was motivating.

The hairdresser smiled as she stepped back. "I'm glad." She said. "It's a very complimenting color."

Once he was done paying, Yoongi thanked the hairdresser and left the salon. He made his way to the local park and sat, subconsciously running his hands through his hair. He closed his eyes and let his mind travel back to the events that had occurred a few weeks ago.

"What the hell did you just say to me?!" The woman yelled.

Yoongi took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I can't live in a house where I'm not loved."

"You ungrateful son of a b—"

"Don't," Yoongi interjected. "If you say it, I might have to agree with you."

CRASH. Yoongi's mother dropped the cup she was holding, and in a few steps, she'd crossed the room and slapped Yoongi. Yoongi stepped back, a hand held to his face where she'd slapped him.

"After everything I've done for you, you dare speak this way to me?" She demanded.

Yoongi felt his blood boil. "Bullshit. The only things you've done for me are hit me and lock me in my own room."

"We gave you a chance to change your career path." His mother quickly changed the subject. "But you still want to pursue such a lowly career? You don't even deserve to be called my son."

Yoongi smiled as he recalled his mother's face of rage. You reap what you sow. He thought as he stood up and stretched.

"It's my life now." He said to no one in particular. "I'm going to restart."

"Your total is 3,680 won." The cashier said monotonously.

"Aish," Yoongi said. "Prices on packs of these keep going up."

"Just hand the money over and leave." The cashier snapped.

"Sorry, sir." Yoongi replied. He counted out the money and placed it on the counter.

"Are you deaf? I said the total is 3,680, not 3,670."

"Sorry, I was just looking for the extra 10." Yoongi said quickly, stifling his irritation. Someone's pissed today.

The cashier let out a sigh before loudly muttering, "Honestly. Kids these days."

Yoongi shoved the last 10 won in his hand before picking up the pack.

"Have a nice day." The cashier said, his voice reverting to its monotony.

"Don't tell me what to do." Yoongi replied with a forced smile before leaving the convenience store.

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