Thirty Six

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Thirty Six
(n.) the color of the sky while
the sun is setting.

Although Jimin had texted Yoongi to meet him there by 7pm, Yoongi was standing by the sea, partially sunken in sand with gentle waves lapping at his feet, at 6:45pm. He stared out across the water, watching as the sun, a yellow orb in the sky began to sink down behind the clouds.

"You see Yoongi? The sun is going to sleep." His mom told six year old Yoongi as her hand rested atop his head. She had given his hair a light rustle.

"Don't fill him with lies, Yoonah," His father rumbled. His gaze was soft but his tone was stern. "The sun is setting because the earth is turning on its axis."

"He doesn't know what that means honey." His mom said with a sigh.

His father huffed.

Yoongi remembered looking back and forth between the two of them, worried and confused.

"Don't fight!" He squeaked.

"Little one," His mother kneeled down and took his hands in hers. "Your father is only joking."

"Lies! How can you tell?"

"I fell in love with him for his humor. I know it like the back of my hand. He's harmless."

"Screw that, Mom." Yoongi felt his chest tighten at the memory. Always going on about love as if your marriage was perfect.

He stared off at the sunset for some time longer til he heard the soft crunch of sand underfoot as someone approached behind him. Seconds later, arms encircled his waist as Jimin nestled his head against Yoongi's back. Yoongi practically melted into the warmth of his presence. He let the memory of standing by the sea with his parents wash away in the foamy sea-green waves.

"You're here." He said with a smile.

He turned so he was facing Jimin. The younger had a golden-hour glow and his eyes, usually dark, appeared a soft coffee-colored brown in the light. He looked happy and liberated. Yoongi felt his heartbeat quicken. Never had he seen someone who made him feel like this.

Is this what love feels like? He dared to wonder.

The love he'd desperately yearned for- his deprivation driving him to the edge and into a state of isolation was now slowly melting away, happiness filtering through his mind and heart. He found himself longing to open his heart fully to Jimin.

Jimin smiled, his small hands gripping Yoongi's biceps. "Yoongi, you don't have to wait anymore." He said excitedly.

Yoongi blinked. "What?"

"I was thinking the whole walk over here. I want to be with you." Jimin stepped back and stood confidently. "I know sound corny and stupid. I know what I'm about to say are overused lines from romance dramas and webtoons but I know there's a reason why they're said. Yoongi I really want to be with you and stay by your side."

Yoongi could practically feel his heart burst in his chest. It almost hurt yet he felt drunk on the euphoria. Never had he imagined things could end up like this. Picture perfect. "You're genuine?" He found himself saying. "Not saying this out of sympathy?"

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