Twenty Four

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Twenty Four
(n.) the low rumble
of distant thunder

"What's got you all smiley like that?" Jungkook asked curiously as Jimin was practically burning his sandwich with his smile radiation.

"Daehyun is back in town for a day so I'm going to have dinner with him later." The raven haired boy replied.

"That's my boy!" Taehyung grinned, giving Jimin a nudge. "Is it at some fancy sugar-daddy place?"

"Kim Taehyung!" Jimin cried in horror. "He is NOT my sugar daddy."

"Meh you guys are gross, I'm going to go back to class." Jungkook furiously scraped at the remaining bits of pork on his tray

"Jungkook it's lunch." Taehyung said, watching the younger stuff every bit of pork he could fit in his mouth.

"Well whatever, Mingyu and I were gonna go try out our new skateboard wheels in the back alley anyway." He hurriedly dashed off.

"Why do we keep that guy around?" Jimin muttered. "He's no fun."

"He buys us popsicles every Friday so I think that makes up for his attitude." Taehyung shrugged. "Plus he's a cute little thing and we need to balance the scale."

"Am I not cute?"

"That's up for debate." Taehyung joked.

Minutes later he went to his next class with a bruised shoulder.


"—and the campus is absolutely breathtaking!" Daehyun gushed, his plate of untouched food growing colder by the minute.

"How nice," Jimin sighed with a sad smile. "I can't wait to graduate already."

"It's liberating." Daehyun assured him.

He reached down into the paper bag he brought and pulled out a small package.

"What's this?" Jimin asked curiously.

"It's something I had custom framed. I had this wild idea about it so one day I went through with it."

Jimin neatly tore the paper from the gift and instantly his eyes widened. "Dae— it's beautiful."

In his hand he held a sleek framed photo. It depicted both of them in incredible detail. But the unique part was, it was a drawing: The profile drawing of Daehyun next to a profile drawing of himself.

"I can't draw, but I met someone who's majoring in art," Daehyun explained. "I gave him a photo of you and he drew it."

"It's stunning..." Jimin breathed.

"I'm glad you like it." Daehyun looked pleased. "I think that even if we can't be together all the time in real life, we have drawings -I have the same frame copy at home- of each other."

"Look at you being all sappy and romantic." Jimin snickered.

Daehyun rolled his eyes and took a bite of his pasta. He scrunched his nose. "This shit's gone cold now."

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