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(adj.) overcome with anger;
extremely indignant.

[trigger warning: reference to Chapter 26 and some violence]

It took all of Yoongi's willpower not to up and beat the shit out of Daehyun as the younger came and sat down at the bar next to him. Only minutes earlier he'd learned from Namjoon that Daehyun was going to arrive. Anger surged throughout his body. He could feel Jimin's pain gripping his heart.

Before he could say anything, Hoseok placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh lightly. Yoongi jerked his head around to glare at Hoseok but was surprised to see the man's usually light and happy face now dark and warning. Hoseok shook his head lightly. Don't do shit, Min Yoongi. He seemed to say.

Drawing in a deep breath, Yoongi made sure to exhale it extra loudly. Piss off Hoseok.

"How's it going guys?" Daehyun asked, giving a light nod to the bartender as the latter handed him a glass.

"We're doing fairly well. How about yourself?" Hoseok's tone was light and cheery. Yoongi glanced over at him and his expression was convincing.

"I'm alright. The semester finishes soon." Daehyun traced the rim of his glass with one finger. "Exams are piling up."

"Sounds like you're quite busy." Yoongi said with forced sympathy. Daehyun nodded gratefully at him.

"Sure am. I've barely got time to think about anything else."

"Winter break must seem so far away."

"Yeah! I mean it was months ago. I didn't even have time to rest then. I had a paper due but I put it off til the last minute."

"Oh? What ever for?"

Daehyun laughed. "Ah, it's trivial really. You know how it is. Sometimes you need a break from stress and expectations to just kick back."

"I don't face much stress, so I don't know how it is." Yoongi tried to keep his voice level. "What was so trivial that surpassed writing a paper?"

"Yoongi..." Namjoon looked worriedly at his hyung.

"It's alright." Daehyun smiled warmly. "I went to a lodge of some sort with a few friends for a couple days. You know Youngsoo right- I know we all went to the same high school. Anyway, he and I went."

"Who else?" Yoongi pressed.

"Oh, some kids from high school. Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook. Don't know if you know them or not. You're 20 right? They were in their first year when you graduated."

"Ah I see. Fun time?"

"Yes..." Daehyun looked down and smiled at his lap. "Really fun. They're a lively bunch."

"You must've had a perfect winter break."

Daehyun glanced at Yoongi suspiciously. "Yeah," He said. "Something like that."

An awkward silence fell over the group before Hoseok said cheerily, "Well! I've got a new assignment for my job. It's pretty exciting and it's one of the only ones I can legally talk about."

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