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Chapter Ten

(n.) a reason for being

Jimin watched as the Yoongi slumped down into the booth across from him and instantly put his head in his hands. He was only half-surprised that Yoongi was with Hoseok, but more surprised at the boy's current state.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

Before Yoongi could answer, a tall brown haired guy slid into the booth next to Yoongi.

"You must be Jimin." He said, his voice happy and bubbly. He smiled warmly.

"Ah yes," Jimin stood up and briefly bowed his head respectfully to the older. "You're Hoseok."

"Please call me Hobi." The latter said with a chuckle. "I've heard tons about you from Yoongs."

"Do you want to die?" Yoongi mumbled, still cradling his head in his hands.

Jimin gave Yoongi a curious glance. The older finally put his arms down and leaned back, giving Jimin a pained and fed up look.

"What's with you?" Jimin asked.

"Hangover." Yoongi mumbled. Jimin resisted the urge to laugh.

"So what's going on?" He turned to Hoseok who was stirring the coffee he had gotten on the way in.

"Well, I wanted us all to have a chat."

"About what?"

"About..." Hoseok gave each of them a sly grin. "Actually..."

"Don't you dare." Yoongi groaned.

Hoseok gave them both a little wave before sliding out of the booth. "Ta-ta. It was nice meeting you, Jimin."

"U-uh, nice meeting you too." Jimin stammered. He began to get up to bow respectively but Hoseok waved him off and  skipped away.

Yoongi groaned and pressed the side of his face into the booth.

"Do you need water or something?" Jimin asked warily.

Yoongi shook his head.

"Ok." Jimin stared down at his own iced coffee and gave it a light stir with the straw. Any confidence he had the previous time they'd spoken was gone now and he only felt anxiety making his heart rate speed up.

Finally Yoongi got his shit together and faced Jimin, one arm on the table in a relaxed manner, and the other propped on the table, supporting his head. His dark eyes looked up at Jimin with an unreadable expression. (It was kinda hot.)

"About last time," Yoongi said.

"U-uh yeah." Jimin averted his gaze quickly.

"I don't know what you meant by 'the heart wants what it wants', but we shouldn't meet like this anymore."

Jimin laughed nervously. "You mean we shouldn't meet awkwardly? Unannounced?"

"No." Yoongi said, running a hand through his strawberry colored hair. "I don't think we should meet at all."

Jimin felt himself involuntarily tear up.

"Listen," Yoongi continued. "I'm not the kind of person a kid like you should be talking to."

"And I'm not the kid a guy like you should be telling that to." Jimin fired back, quickly blinking back tears. Why the hell am I crying?

"I'm trying to say that you were right." Yoongi said, exasperated. "Yeah, I was like you. I'm still like you. You remind me of myself. I hate it."

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