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Chapter Six

(n.) A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

"He's never going to call you." Jungkook said bluntly, flopping down on Jimin's bed and tossing his book bag across the room.

"Oh be quiet Kookie." Tae said with a sigh as he sat down on the fuzzy rug and rifled around in Jimin's drawers for a deck of cards.

"Why'd you give him your number anyway?" Jungkook asked quizzically as Jimin sat down at the edge of his bed.

"I-in case he wanted me to return a favor or something. I don't know." Jimin said looking down at the floor, feeling dejected.

"How old is he?" Taehyung asked, shuffling the deck.

"I don't know." Jimin said again.

"Whatever, I'm just glad you came to school today, hyung." Jungkook said, changing the subject. "It's been a while since you've showed up."

"Yeah." Jimin replied. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you." Taehyung paused from building his house of cards to flash Jimin his rectangular smile. Jimin couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you feeling any better?" Jungkook asked. "You know, after..." he trailed off.

Jimin looked down again. "I guess."

Truth be told, he wasn't sure how he felt. After meeting Yoongi, his emotions had been a mess. Yoongi was a closed book. He didn't seem like one of those 'other people' who loved life, but he certainly didn't seem like he hated it either. Jimin was curious to know how Yoongi worked.

"Yah!" Taehyung's voice cut through his thoughts. Tae was staring angrily at Jungkook; a pillow raised above the latter's head. "Don't you dare throw that."

Wham. Jimin watched as Jungkook threw the pillow at Tae and the neatly built house of cards the boy had made scattered everywhere. Jimin felt uneasy.

"Yah! You're so mean to your elders!" Tae raised his voice.

"Elders? You're only a year older." Jungkook responded. "But I guess you do act like an elder, from the way you're complaining right now."

"You wanna fight?" Tae stood and feigned a punch at Jungkook. Then the two boys collapsed, laughing. Jimin sighed and cracked a small smile. He was glad to have such lively hyungs for times like these.

Once Tae and Jungkook had left to return to their own houses for dinner, Jimin sat up in his room, a plate of uneaten dinner on his desk as he did his homework. It was easy stuff really, and he finished in record time.

He slid the chair back and stretched, before switching off the desk light and opening the window to let in fresh air.

He's never going to call you. Jungkook's words earlier replayed in his mind.

"I know that." He said aloud, dejectedly staring at the dark phone screen beside him.

Yoongi had said that Jimin didn't need to repay the favor, but Jimin felt bad. Especially since Jungkook had been so cold towards Yoongi.

He's not like Daehyun. He thought, throwing himself on his bed. He's interesting, intriguing, and somehow has me attached.


Yoongi? Jimin sprang out of bed, briefly stumbling as his vision blacked out from his sudden movement, and raced to his desk.

You have 1 new message from Kookie open
Kookie: left my math book at your house; can you bring it to school tomorrow

He sighed. Why did I get my hopes up? He quickly typed a reply and threw his phone back on the desk before trudging over to his bed and lying down again.

"Aish!" Jimin punched the mattress. He felt conflicted and emotionally confused. Everything was confusing and his head felt foggy.

"Remember, you must submit your cognitive psychology topic essay this Thursday to earn 20 upfront points!" The teacher said as the kids began to leave for their next class.

After everyone had left, Jimin still sat in his seat towards the back. He was staring intensely at his partially written essay, but deep in thought about Yoongi.

"Park Jimin?"

He jumped as the teacher's voice came from right next to him. He looked up to see his psychology teacher looking down at him with concern.

"Y-yes, sorry." He got up and bowed his head quickly.

"Are you getting enough sleep?" His teacher asked. "Your eyes are dull."

Perks of having a psychology teacher. Jimin thought irritably. They notice everything.

"Ah, yes I'm okay." He said, looking away quickly.

"Jimin, you know lying doesn't work with me."

"Right." Jimin made a beeline for the door. "Thank you sir, for your, uh, lesson today!"

"There was no lesson today, your class just sat and wrote your essays today." The teacher replied with a frown.

"Right." Jimin said again. He quickly ran out.

Once he was in the hallway he slapped his arm in annoyance. "Why am I such a flop in society?"

"There you are!" Taehyung came running up to him, out of breath. "The bell rang four minutes ago, we're going to be late for English!"

"I know, I know." Jimin snapped. Taehyung just loves learning English. It's too hard to pronounce. It's just another language. I don't see what's so great about it.

But you know what is great?


Jimin sighed in annoyance.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Get it together.

The new Love Yourself series
photos have me dead af
BigHit wtf are you planning?

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