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Chapter Fourteen
(n.) wild, untamed, uncontrolled, unregulated

I kissed Min Yoongi.

Jimin sat under the bridge by the water's edge, mindlessly tossing small rocks into the river. He stared blankly at the murky water.

"I freaking kissed Min Yoongi!" He wailed, realization hitting him hard.

I didn't intend to do that, it was so spur of the moment, and I just couldn't help it. I kissed him! Why the hell?! Jimin rubbed his eyes.

But I don't regret it.

He picked up a large rock and tossed it overhead, wincing as it hit the water with a heavy splash, sending little water droplets flying all over the place. Jimin hoped he hadn't killed any fish with that rock.

He fumbled around in his pocket, pulling out his phone and calling Taehyung. The latter would know what to do.

"You're an idiot." Was Taehyung's immediate reply. "It's like 10° and you're by a freaking river."

"I know that!" Jimin snapped, feeling frustration build up. "I just need to get home."

"And you don't even know how to get home?!"


"Ah," Jimin could picture Taehyung rubbing the back of his neck in annoyance. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Do you know anyone who can pick me up or something?"

"What'll you do for me in return?"

"Kim Taehyung."

"Fine, fine. I'll send someone over. But you owe me big time."

"Thank you."

Taehyung hung up and Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. His best friend was truly a savior.


Twenty minutes later...

"Heyo, you're Jimin right?" A faintly familiar voice asked. Jimin turned to see a tall guy with light brown hair walking towards him, his eyes bright.

"Yeah," Jimin replied, bowing awkwardly.

"It's me, Seokjin." The guy said with a smile. "Your friend Taehyung sent me to pick you up."

"Jin-hyung!" Jimin exclaimed suddenly, recognition flashing across his face.

Jin laughed, the same loud and cheery laugh that Jimin had remembered from his younger high school days.

Seokjin was a good friend of Daehyun, back when they were still in school. Jimin had frequently spent lunch at their table that final year, when Daehyun and Jimin had started going out. Seokjin had always been a warm and polite friend, but a little hesitant to accept their relationship. Still, Jimin had missed him after he'd graduated.

"You've changed so much." Jimin observed, noting Jin's more prominent jawline, and dyed hair.

"You haven't." Jin joked. "You're still the same black-haired shorty."


"How's Daehyun?" Jin asked, causing Jimin to tense up. "I haven't heard much from him since November."

Jimin's gaze grew cloudy, and instantly Jin knew he'd said the wrong thing. But before he could apologize, Jimin spoke.

"We broke up over winter break." Though his tone was laced with sadness, Jin still detected the underlying venom that accompanied it. As someone who minored in psychology, he'd quickly learned how to pick up on those things. Clearly, something bad had happened between Jimin and Daehyun since Jin had last spoken with them.

"Sorry for my lack of consideration," He said. "I wasn't aware."

"It's all good," Jimin replied, smiling at his old friend, and trying desperately to calm his pounding heart. He hadn't heard anyone say Daehyun's name in a while; hearing it still made his heart rate negatively spiral out of control. "I'm glad to see you again."

"Likewise." Jin shivered, as he was only wearing a light denim jacket and ripped jeans. "Lets get you home, yeah? It's freezing."


Guilt and curiosity gnawed at Jimin's mind as he sat in Taehyung's room on his bed, the latter pacing back and forth.

All Jimin could think about was the kiss. The damn kiss. Freaking Min Yoongi.

"But why would you run away from that guy?" Taehyung asked the question that Jimin preferred not to answer. So he said nothing.

"Jimin, answer me." Taehyung said. "You're the one who came over straightway after you got home to ask me what to do. How am I supposed to help when you won't even tell me what I'm helping you with?"

"Touché." Jimin mumbled angrily. He felt his heart sink. Maybe this wasn't something for his best friend to help him with. He had to figure it out on his own. After all, he'd gotten himself into this mess by allowing Yoongi to buy that stupid mouthwash. "I'm leaving." He said for the second time that day.

"Yah! You're not even gonna eat noodles with me?" Taehyung pouted.

"Sorry, Tae, I'm not in the mood." He turned and quickly hurried down the stairs. Taehyung made no effort to chase or call after him. It would be wasted words and energy anyway.

Outside, Jimin found himself in the chilly spring air once again, trying to sort himself out. He scampered back to his house and hurried upstairs, before his mom could even ask where he'd gone for three hours.

Once in his room, he pulled off his hoodie and jeans, slipping on black shorts and a loose gray T-shirt. Then he buried himself under his blankets, wanting to disappear. To escape his embarrassment, humiliation, and stupid hopeful thinking.

"I'm a pathetic moron." He hissed to himself.

His thoughts drifted back to Yoongi. Was that guy grossed out? It was such a spur of the moment thing for me to do. Is he really straight?

Jimin dared to doubt. If Yoongi was straight he most certainly would've reacted to that kiss, even if he was taken by surprise. Instead he had simply stared at Jimin, almost as if he wasn't truly there. Whatever the case, Jimin never wanted to see Yoongi ever again.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, allowing himself to slip into a deep sleep.

Yet even his dreams were filled of Yoongi, the kiss replaying over and over again, until they turned into nightmares.

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