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Chapter Nine

(n.) bitterness or ill-feeling

"I remind you of who you once were."

Yoongi was pissed. "Know your fucking boundaries." He managed to say, keeping his voice as level as possible. "I won't have someone I barely know go all psychological on me."

"Then are you confirming what I just said?" Jimin dropped the question.

Yoongi nearly choked on his coffee. "What?"

"You didn't deny what I just said."

"I really hate you." He managed to reply.

"I should get going." Jimin stood up, poorly attempting to suppress a smile.

"Where the hell are you running off to?"

"I've got plans."

"I hope I never see you again." Yoongi replied as Jimin walked by him.

"The heart wants what the heart wants."
The brat replied as steadily as possible.

Yoongi tightened his grip on the edge of the table and whirled around, but Jimin had already left.

"Damn it." He growled, turning back slowly.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Yoongi glared next to him at Hoseok.

They sat in Yoongi's apartment that evening. Hoseok had arrived back in town a few hours before and Yoongi had called him over to get drunk.

"Sounds like this Jimin-guy is a real character." Hoseok snickered. "Last time you didn't even know his name and now it's the only thing you're growling. Kinda hot."

"Are you insinuating something?" Yoongi asked. "Because I'm not interested in him."


"I'm not!"

"Say that to me with a straight face."

"Be quiet and get wasted with me." Yoongi raised his glass.

Hoseok grinned cheekily and raised his glass and the two clinked glasses before downing the alcohol.

Yoongi set down his drink and leaned back with a happy smile. He was well-drunk and it felt nice.

"Are you staying the night?" He managed to ask.

"Doeth it look like I'm in any sthape to go home?" Hoseok slurred in reply. The freak was lying down on the couch, the upper half of him hanging off the side, still drinking alcohol upside down. He looked pathetic.

"I'll set up the guest bed." Yoongi rose and stumbled over to the second bedroom, that partially served as his office. Since he and Hoseok had last hung out, he'd unpacked nearly everything for his at-home studio.

Hoseok stumbled into the room, gripping the doorframe to stay standing.

"You set it up superrrrr nice." He grinned. "I'll try not to break any of the equipment."

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