Twenty Five

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Twenty Five
(n.) the moment when you
realize that you're happy;
consciously trying to savor the feeling

"Mmm Daehyun..." Jimin leaned his head back as the older dealt passionate kisses down the side of his neck, harsh enough to leave marks.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The older asked huskily, shoving Jimin roughly against the bedroom wall.

Jimin gripped the soft gray fabric of Daehyun's shirt, wholly drunk the bottled soju they'd downed earlier. He daringly hooked one leg around the older's waist, drawing them closer.

"Of course..." He said, out of breath. "And you're right. Love is more important than some shitty law—"

Jimin jerked awake, sweating profusely.

"What the hell was that?" He asked aloud, fanning his face. He rubbed his thighs together quickly and turned over to glance at the clock.

It was 5am. Daehyun's train would be arriving by noon.

Months later after he and Daehyun had left things quite awkwardly, the two had stayed in touch more frequently. Daehyun apologized for his strange behavior, jokingly blaming it on his lack of self control around Jimin.

Jimin remembered blushing at the thought. He didn't know he was that sexy in Daehyun's eyes but he didn't mind being told that.

On top of that, it was winter break, and the two of them had convinced Jimin's mom to let him stay with Daehyun at a lodge on the outskirts of town for a couple days. Just a 'friendly' getaway with a few friends.

Daehyun was bringing one of his college friends and his girlfriend, and Taehyung and Jungkook had practically held Jimin hostage until Daehyun let them go too.

"You better thank your lucky asses that he's paying for you two." Jimin hissed once they'd let him go.


"I hope you're not going to be drinking alcohol." Jimin's mom said suspiciously as they all clambered out of the rental van.

"No ma'am." Daehyun gave her an awkward bow. "Thanks for the ride."

"Mom can't you trust us a bit more?" Jimin asked as he went around to the back to unload the trunk.

"I would, but considering you're all growing teens that won't be with any adult supervision for two days— it's a bit hard to." His mom gave him a look through the rearview mirror.

"And this is exactly why teens aren't happy with their parents." Jimin mumbled, lugging the bags out. "Mom, Daehyun and Youngsoo are adults."

Daehyun's friend Youngsoo came over to help Jimin while Taehyung and Jungkook were already checking out the place.

Daehyun went over to the passenger seat window and gave Jimin's mom an affirmative look.

"Trust me Mrs. Park, your son will be in good hands. I won't let him do stupid things."

"Daehyun!" Jimin snapped. "If anyone does stupid things, it's you."

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