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Chapter Seven

(n.) mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper

Yoongi's pointer finger hovered above the keypad.

What am I doing?

He mentally face palmed. He wasn't one for being hesitant or indecisive, especially in this instant, regarding Jimin. He had made it clear to himself that he wanted nothing to do with the boy. Yet in the deafening silence of this Saturday morning, he was feeling very lonely and in need of socializing with anyone, regardless.

Usually Yoongi hated socializing with a burning passion. Today was an exception.

Before he could register anything, he had pressed 'Call'.

Shit. Well I guess that's that. Yoongi thought miserably as his phone began to dial Jimin.

Click. Jimin had picked up. Yoongi tensed slightly at the sound of his small "Hello?" but took a deep breath.

"About that favor..." He said slowly into the phone.

"Oh...hello Yoongi." Jimin's reply was soft. "What can I do?"

Yoongi looked around his apartment, his eyes settling on the chipped coffee mug sitting in the drainer.

"You can repay me by buying coffee with me right now." He decided aloud.

"W-what? Why?" Jimin squeaked.

"Uh, because I want coffee and I'm lon—" Yoongi stopped. "You owe me."

Jimin was silent for a moment before he took a deep breath and said, "Alright."

"Great." Yoongi couldn't help but crack a small smile. "I'll text you the address."

"Have you ever been here before?" Yoongi asked as he held the door open for Jimin.

Jimin quickly entered the coffee shop. "No, never." He said. "But I pass by it on my way to school."

"Ah, you haven't been living until you've tried their coffee, my friend." Yoongi said with a grin. They approached the counter.

"Hello, what can I get you two gentlemen today?" The barista asked, leaning over the counter and giving them a flirtatious smile. Yoongi recoiled at how strong her perfume was. Jimin seemed to notice too, and backed up slightly.

"If you type 'Min Yoongi' into the stats bar, you'll see my regular order." Yoongi said quickly.

"A-and I'll just take, uh, a medium caramel latte I guess." Jimin said, fiddling with the hem of his sweater.

The barista smiled down at Jimin. "You're the cutest! I'll be right back with your orders." She gave Yoongi wink which made him cringe and left.

"I'm cute?" Jimin muttered. "How embarrassing."

Yoongi chuckled. "Does it bother you?"

"Kinda." He mumbled.

"Why? She was just stating the truth."

Jimin's face flushed and he looked at Yoongi. "I-I, uh, what?"

"Never mind." Yoongi shook his head quickly. He stared at the ground.

What the hell is that? You can't just go around indirectly calling a boy cute! He's a minor and he'll get the wrong idea about you. Calm your hormones.

"One regular, one latte." The barista's voice startled him as she slid the coffee across the counter to them.

"I'll pay." Jimin said to Yoongi quickly, reaching into his pocket.

"Well yeah," Yoongi replied jokingly. "That's kind of how returning the favor works."

Oops that sounded a lot more rude than it did in my head.

"Right." Jimin said. He pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to the barista. "Keep the change."

Yoongi frowned. "Is that a habitual thing?" He snapped. "You didn't hesitate to hand over twice the amount you owe."

"Oh...yeah I guess it is." Jimin looked down again.

"It's okay," The barista gave him a sympathetic smile and set down the change on the table. She put a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Don't be so harsh on him."

Yoongi shrugged her hand off. He felt very triggered and irritated at that moment. He had let his guard slip and momentarily forgotten how much Jimin reminded him of his old self.

The girl gave him a small pout. Yoongi sighed and turned to Jimin.

"Sorry about that." Yoongi said, annoyed with himself. "Let's go sit."

"It's ok." Jimin said as they walked towards a table by the front windows. "I should've given her the right amount of money."

"No," Yoongi dismissed Jimin's reply as they sat down. "I get why you did it. I've been through it. It's all good."

"You what?"

Oh hell, I said more than I meant to. Yoongi mentally face palmed. "Forget I said anything." He began to drink his coffee to avoid saying anything else.

Jimin gave him a curious stare. Yoongi met his eyes, as if searching for unsaid answers.

Just who are you?

A question both of them refused to say aloud.

They say there in silence for a while, enjoying the coffee. Yoongi never added sugar or honey because he liked the bitter taste. It was like a wake up call, beckoning him to return to reality. He drank quickly. Jimin was more hesitant in drinking his coffee. He would take a sip, and awkwardly glance at Yoongi, and then he would avert his gaze quickly and look out the window.

Why did I call him? Yoongi wondered. I want nothing to do with him. It must be my weird loneliness.

Their eyes met again.

My head hurts. I don't get this guy. I feel like I understand everything about him yet I still have questions.

Yoongi felt his irritation boil over.

"I should get going." He managed to say. "Thank you for returning the favor."

"Yeah." Jimin's face remained stoic, but his tone sounded disappointed.

Yoongi stood up, tossing his empty coffee cup into the trash behind them and turning to go.

"C-call me again if you...want me to return the favor again." Jimin called to him, sounding nervous.

Yoongi said nothing and left.

You're an interesting person, Jimin, I'll give you that. But we won't be meeting again.

I think.

Ok the Highlight Reels
have me shook
and my emotions are
a mess wow cool

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