Thirty Two

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Thirty Two
(n.) The feeling of being
alone in the woods

Yoongi couldn't shake off the nagging human instinct of regret. Had he simply ignored Daehyun's nasty remarks then maybe he and Jimin could've ended up happy.

No. He knew that sometimes he had to draw the line between what he wanted and what was right. Jimin had been so hurt by Daehyun, mentally most of all. If he could do any shred of good he wanted to try and bring some justice to the situation.

He watched as Jimin sat awkwardly in the metal chair, his hands lace and his foot tapping on the wood floor- he could sense Jimin's nerves building up.

As for himself, Yoongi felt a wave of mixed emotions. He was jealous of the bond Jimin and Daehyun had shared, yet he knew he'd never want that kind of twisted relationship. Good intentions were in it, sure, but the outcome was bad. He also felt sad for Jimin, the guy was trying to live his best life despite not really having any motivation to.

He shifted his position, the cold clink of the metal handcuffs a painful reminder of what he could've avoided had he maintained his temper.

"Help me understand," The officer leaned forward, his dark eyes studying Jimin. "Are you telling me that Seo Daehyun attempted assault? Is this the reason your friend here attacked him?"

"I don't think Yoongi should've beat him up that bad, but I wanted to come clean." Jimin said, evidently anxious but still holding his gaze. "I don't think either were in the right."

That's understandable. Yoongi thought glumly. Still, he was proud of Jimin for finding his voice about the situation.

"Can you provide details? If I'm going to believe you, you'll need to tell me the story. This will be difficult but you need to tell me everything."

"Well for starters, I think we should clear the whole attack case first. Then we can talk about me. That's why we're all gathered anyway."

"Have it your way." The officer sat back and rifled through some papers. "Alright I'm going to need a detailed account from all of you from the beginning of your days to the end."

He turned to the side and hollered, "Jihoon, email me the surveillance cameras' footage from the bar last night!"

"Jimin can go first," Hoseok leaned forward. "Because he was the least involved with this. Then it's my turn."

"Well there's not much to tell," Jimin said hesitantly. "I woke up and had a normal day. A classmate came over to help with homework..." He paused and looked down. "We had a bit of a fight and he left. I had dinner and then went to sleep. That's really it."

"And what's this friend's name?"

"Not a friend." Jimin said and Yoongi fixated his gaze on the guy. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Ah the Jeons." The officer sighed. "Well respected in this town. Jihoon! Run this report through and give the Jeons a call. Consider them Mr. Park's alibi."

"As for me," Hoseok gave a loud sigh to emphasize his irritation. "I woke up to a good day. I went out and got a burger and some fries for lunch. Everything was great. I went for a bike ride over the river and went home to shower before I came to meet Yoongi and Namjoon. But then Daehyun showed up by Namjoon's invite. We talked briefly before he headed to the bathroom... Yoongi went in too, and when they came out he said he was sick. He left. After that Namjoon left to check up on him and then the cops came."

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