Twenty Seven

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Twenty Seven
(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are

The small boy cried himself to sleep that night. Sending everyone away and locking his door, he let the tears fall and soak his pillow. Eventually his lids became too heavy and he fell asleep.

Now he sat numbly, unaware of what had transpired after. How Jungkook and Taehyung had taken his mom to another room while she cried for her son, and how they held her hands the whole time. How Youngsoo had disappeared into the night shortly after Daehyun had. How Jungkook went outside to 'look for an item he must've dropped'. How he had actually driven a sharp edged rock into his leg to punish himself for not having protected Jimin better. How Taehyung had helped Mrs. Park to bed before crying himself to sleep, his heart hurting for his best friend.

The two had left early that morning, but not after revealing the whole of Jimin's relationship with Daehyun.

Taehyung left, his final words: "Let him hate me for telling you this before he could. But I want him to know that I care about him and this is for the best."


That's the fourth unanswered call. Jimin thought dejectedly as he let his phone slip from his fingers, softly hitting the sheets.

So far, Jimin had spent the remainder of his break thinking. Wondering how Daehyun could betray his trust like that. A part of him believed he always knew how shady the older was, but Daehyun was just too picture perfect for Jimin to ever act on his doubt.

Jimin sat at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. He stared at his feet, the sunlight casting a warm glow on them. But if there was any warmth on that cold day, Jimin didn't feel it. "It's my fault for being a fool."


It was the final day of break. School would be tomorrow and a part of Jimin itched to go back to his regular routine.

However he was determined to get closure. Whatever had happened over winter break, he wanted to understand it. He'd come to the conclusion that Daehyun had been drunk. After all, they knew the laws. Daehyun wouldn't just try to break them like that. Not after the time they'd spent together. Daehyun loved him, Jimin was convinced.

Sometimes love makes you so crazy things. Right?

Daehyun's parents loved about fifteen minutes away, in a less busy part of town. While Mrs. Park took her afternoon nap, Jimin decided to drive over. He didn't have his license but he had basic driving knowledge. He'd be fine.

He pulled up to the familiar stone driveway, his heart pounding. Anxiety crawled up through his throats and threatened to come out his mouth in a less pleasant form but he swallowed it down, convincing himself that this was what he wanted.

After a few knocks, Mrs. Seo opened the door with happy eyes. "If it isn't Jimin! Come in, come in."

Jimin smiled tightly, and forced himself to move into the house and remove his shoes. The Seo's were rich, so instead of a dusty wooden floor for a foyer, he was met with smooth stone. It felt cold under his feet, a stinging reminder of yet another difference between him and Daehyun. Mrs. Seo ushered him into the living room.

"Daehyun, it's Jimin." She said.

Jimin's eyes widened, as a very complacent looking Daehyun lifted himself off of the sleek leather couch, tossing his phone haphazardly away. He looked cold and distant compared to days earlier.

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