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(adj.) (of a person) without purpose or guidance; lost and confused

Jimin was hopelessly lost.

Day after day he would return home from school and board himself up in his room, immersed in schoolwork in studying. He would listen to the sound of the door opening and his mother returning home from work. He'd listen absentmindedly as she began to make dinner. Then he would go down, eat a few bites, then return to his room and study for the rest of the night.

And here he was, yet again, eating what little dinner he craved, before he returned to his room.

What kind of life was that?

"Jimin." His mother said softly, putting a hand on Jimin's.

"Y-yeah?" Jimin was shaken out of his thoughts.

"Your food's getting cold, please eat something."

"Oh." He looked down at the pasta and bread in front of him. Quickly, he shoved a forkful of it in his mouth. It tasted like cardboard.

"I've been thinking..." Mrs. Park said in between mouthfuls of food. "Of having the school counselor do some one-on-one sessions with you, Jimin. You see—"

"Nonononononono." Jimin said quickly, nearly choking on bread. "Mom... I'm ok."

"No." She replied. "Jimin don't do this. I'm your mother. Even if I haven't said anything, I've raised you for the past 18 years. I know my son. And I know you're not ok."

"Mom, please stop." Jimin felt his insides churning. "Don't be like everyone else and push to get me to feel better. I'm fine."

"That's what people who aren't fine say."

Jimin angrily pushed himself away from the table and stood up. "Why can't people leave me the hell alone?! The more people ask me if I'm fine, the less fine I feel because of the nagging!"

"Park Jimin, don't you dare raise your voice at me." Mrs. Park snapped, rising too and giving her son a dark look.

"I just want to be left alone..." Jimin threw his arm across his face to hide angry tears. "I just want to finish high school, go off to university, and live my life. I don't need all this extra crap."

He whirled around and ran up with stairs, his heart pounding with regret and anger.


The next day passed by slowly. Jimin dozed off in half his classes, and was eventually caught and given detention.

After school, he had to stay and clean up the classroom and the whiteboard.

When he was done, he stood back and sighed. "Ok, Jungkook. I know you're there."

"Caught me!" The younger said sheepishly as he strolled into the classroom.

"What do you want?"

"I dunno, just to talk I guess." Jungkook said as he went to sit atop one of the desks in the back.

"Get off, I cleaned those." Jimin groaned.

Jungkook laughed and slid off, landing loudly on the newly swept floor.

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