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(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.

"Congratulations on getting accepted!" Taehyung shouted, leaping up. Wood chips flew everywhere as the broad shouldered boy hugged Jimin tightly.

"Thank you, thank you." He replied with a laugh. Around him on the playground seesaw, Mingyu sat studying Jimin's acceptance letter with an excited expression.

"Congrats hyung!" He said.

"Thank you!"

"That's so cool!" Yugyeom gushed. "I'm still waiting for the college I applied for to get back to me."

"Don't worry, I have know doubt you'll get in." Jimin reassured his friend. "You're smart and I'm sure you aced your exams!"

"I hope so," The raven haired boy chewed his bottom lip nervously.

"So what should we do to celebrate all of us graduating?" Taehyung asked. "Even though the ceremony is technically not until tonight."

"Is now any time to be celebrating?" An irritated voice huffed from above them. The four boys looked up to see their usually lively maknae friend sitting atop the monkey bars, angrily swinging his legs back and forth.

"Jungkook..." Jimin protested. "Don't be like that."

"You guys are leaving me!" He snapped. "I get to live my final year alone in his hellhole."

"Maybe if you were born earlier—"

"Don't give me that crap. I'm gonna miss you guys. Taehyung you're taking a gap year to go dance your ass around the world or something, Yugyeom if you get into Daekyeung University then you'll be moving, and Jimin! You're going to be busy with your new friends at Pukyong."

"Come on now," Mingyu sighed, walking over to the monkey bars and giving Jungkook's leg a tug. "You've still got me."

"You're not good enough." Jungkook mumbled.

Mingyu gave both Jungkook's legs a fierce tug and the young one tumbled off the monkey bars with a splat! on the wood chips.

With a satisfied smirk, Mingyu returned to his seat on the seesaw.

"I may be going to Pukyong but I'll most definitely keep in touch with you." Jimin told Jungkook as he helped the latter dust himself off.

"Jungkook I'll dance my ass off in Korea if you want me to stay locally." Taehyung tried to reassure the grumpy maknae.

"No, go away. Go dance in Iceland." Jungkook snapped. "If you all try to reassure me it's bothersome."

"In that case, I'm glad I didn't say anything." Yugyeom said.

Jimin's phone buzzed. After reading over the notification, he shifted and gave an apologetic smile to everyone. "Sorry guys, my mom wants me home stat. She refuses to let me graduate without taking pictures of me in my uniform."

"I should go too. It's my day to pick up my siblings from school."

Yugyeom checked his phone and turned to Jimin. "You sent me the bad luck. Now my mom wants to take pictures of me too."

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