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Chapter Twenty
(n.) The small, precise details that makes one unique; the finer points and subtleties

"Min Yoongi..."

Jimin quickly wove his way around tables, and nearly found himself running towards him.

"You're here." They said at the same time.

"Hi." Yoongi said.

Jimin simply looked at him, his thoughts a whirlwind of hurt, hope, and confusion.

"But why?" He asked.

"Are you following me?" Yoongi joked, with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Jimin sat down on the stool besides the other, setting the coffee down and simply studying Yoongi.

Yoongi stared back at Jimin.

Jimin stared back. This time, he studied Yoongi. He studied the way the older's faded red hair fell across his forehead in an all-too-perfect sweep, the slight curve of his jawline, the dark eyes and slightly parted lips. His build— not muscular, but certainly not all plush, with light skin that Jimin was tempted to touch. All features that made Yoongi who he was.

Jimin was scared. Here was the person he had claimed to love, yet he was scared of the consequences that lay in wait if he took that next (figurative) step. Did he even know what love was?

"Ask me anything you want to know about me." Yoongi said suddenly. "If you're scared of the unknown, then maybe I can help out your mind at ease."

Never before had anyone offered to help him with the 'unknown'. Whether it was helping with confusion, misunderstanding, or emotions, Jimin thought he'd experienced it all. He hated receiving help. But he found himself speaking, asking ever single question he could think of.

"How old are you?"


Not much older than me. "Occupation?"

"Unemployed. I'm in the process of building my work."

"What's your family like?"

Yoongi stilled and stared at his coffee. "It's complicated." He mumbled. "I left home."

"Oh." Jimin felt bad, but curiosity led him on. "Why?"

Yoongi took a deep breath. "Ah... I grew up with a broken dream, one might say. Parents were highly opposed. You see, I have a deep love for music."

"I do too." Jimin murmured.

Yoongi's interest was peaked. "Making music or listening to it?"

"Why not both?"

Yoongi smiled at that, and Jimin smiled back, seeing such a seemingly cold person smile so warmly.

"One more question... for now." Jimin said hesitantly.


"Are you..." Jimin struggled to find his words.

"Gay?" Yoongi finished quickly.

Jimin nodded.

"Hell," Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck and Jimin nervously looked on. "I don't really know."

"You don't know?"

"This concept..." Yoongi said, leaning forwards slightly. "Of having a sexuality... I've never understood it."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone's so sure of what they are. Whether they're 13 or 70, they all seem to know. For me, I'm not anything. I'm just... here."

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