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Chapter Sixteen
(n.) a problem, difficulty, or complication

According to Jungkook, Mondays were no better than a walk through the depths of hell and back. And on this gross and drizzly Monday, Jimin seconded that statement.

Two weeks had passed since Jimin had seen Yoongi, and it was now early April. Homework began to pile up, and Jimin found less and less time to think about Yoongi, or even visit the coffee shop he and Yoongi had last met at, and he could hardly allow himself to spare the time to think about that.

But he didn't forget.

His demeanor had changed. He'd always been relatively light worded to some extent, but now he rarely spoke unless he felt a need to. His friends constantly asked him to hang out, but he'd always decline, making up some stupid lie, or sometimes not even giving a reason.

"Jimin, please read passage 32." His English teacher instructed, cutting through his wandering thoughts. Jimin inwardly groaned. Why should I have to read in a English when I'm Korean? He hated English class, and though his teacher was well aware, he still made Jimin read aloud as much as possible.

"Thus, it was a given," Jimin began to read, cringing at his choppy pronunciation. Beside him, Taehyung snickered. Jimin fixated him with a glare and he stopped. "Those who were too slow, and too weak could not survive in these circumstances. Surely it won't hurt to leave them behind, right? It's kinder, and we'll be able to divide food in bigger portions."

"Very good," The teacher gave him a smile. "Can you tell me what 'given' means in this context?"

"Uh, I guess it means 'obvious' or 'clear'." Jimin replied.

"Nicely done."

Jimin sat down and ignored Taehyung, who kept playfully making faces at him and mouthing his bad pronunciation.


"No more news about park pedo?" Yugyeom pestered Jimin as he sat down for lunch.

Jimin sighed. "First of all, he's not a park pedo. Second of all, I haven't had any time to see him."

"That's that?" The other asked suspiciously.

"Were you expecting some sort of love story?" Jungkook asked mockingly as he sat down next to Jimin.

"It'd be a lie to say I wasn't." Yugyeom snickered.

"I hate you both." Jimin grumbled as he shoved a spoonful of rice in his mouth.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked as he approached the table with Mingyu.

"They're harassing me again." Jimin said.

"You know you love us." Jungkook squeezed Jimin's shoulder and gave him a cheeky grin.

"In your dreams." Taehyung shooed him aside as he sat in between him and Jimin. Jimin felt a wave of gratitude for Taehyung.

As everyone got immersed in conversation, Jimin allowed his mind to wander, for the first time in over two weeks, to Yoongi.

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